First time trying to loose weight need help.

This is going to be a struggle for me. I have always hid from scales. I struggle to get boots to fit over my legs and I have had enough. So please everyone help me to get my weight down from 15st 9 at a size 18 to hopefully reaching back into a size 14... Its been a while!


  • This is pretty much my first time trying to lose weight too. Im at a size 18 right now and I'd like to be at a lower size. I also have the boot problem too. Anyways, I'd be glad to help with what I can, maybe we can help each other to achieve our goals. :)
  • i didnt think this place would help... but i have lost 4lbs in the 4 weeks i have been here.... it can be done... i was alittle over 16st.. now just under it... Id love to wear some boots.. but my big flat feet get in the
    am sure you will do great here... feel free to send a friend request... i'll try help all i can :-)
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Hey Beth, obviously people say it's different for men than it is for women. However, I started out (6weeks ago) at 15st 13.5lbs and am now 13st 13lbs. I want to get down to about 11st 7lbs, which is going to be a challenge as the lowest ive been in the last 10years is about 12st 10lbs.

    Feel free to add me and anyone else for that matter
  • trinagreg
    trinagreg Posts: 1 Member
    Ive tried my fitness pal b4 and lost nearly a stone. I went off track and have put it all back on!! Realy need to find my motivation again in time for xmas. Anybody got any ideas? Realy dont want to fail again
  • I've been on MFP since July and swear to everyone who asks if I've lost weight that it's the best site i've been on. The support from MFP members is astounding and really helps to push you through.

    I'm 0.2lbs of my first goal of a stone but in reality need to loose at least another 4st after that. I also just completed my first 5km charity event for Cancer Research on Friday. Never would have done this without my pals who support me when i'm having a bad week.

    Feel free to add me if you want some support...i'm going to be on this site until I reach all my goals.

    Good luck