Too good to be true?

Hi guys and gals,

I have been doing this for the past two months. Now during these times, I have struggled with losing weight, but lately, I have been eating all my daily calories(about 1580) for the last couple of days.

Now, I don't have problems losing weight. In fact, I believe, I am losing it too quickly! I have lost 3 kg's the last 3 days, and all I did was eat my 1580 calories(no exercise, except biking to school).

I know that eating making one small mistake, will give me back those kg's very fast, so I must find a way for me to lose weight slower. Should I adjust my MFP daily calorie intake? So yeah, to what?

I weigh 78,2(this morning weight), and am 18 years old. Height is 1.75 m.


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Go to this below link to figure out your TDEE and your cut value to lose weight and what amount of calories you should be eating

    Also stop weighing yourself everyday, your weight can fluctuate daily or depending when you weight yourself.. pick a day and weight then under the same conditions (morning when you wake up on a saturday or something) and see where you are. You are looking for 1-2lb a week weight loss, but daily fluctuations will happen as you are probably experiencing.
  • JuroNemo14
    JuroNemo14 Posts: 101 Member
    What could I do best now then? I still believe, even though the scale is not telling my exact weight at the moment, that I did this too fast. Should I gain weight, and start over, or continue eating the amount of calories recommended to me. and hope for the best?

    Also, honestly, I don't know what to trust more: the MFP one, or the TDEE given by the calorie calculator. According to the calculator, I can eat 300 calories more a day. Is this correct then?
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    As long as you're not under your BMR you should be fine. You can eat 300 more according to your TDEE but that woul dbe to maintain (I'm guessing) so eating 300 less gives you a nice deficit. If you're not feeling too hungry you're probably fine.

    A lot of people experience weight loss in "chuncks" seem like nothing happens for quite a while and then all the sudden you drop 3 pounds. So that's not unusual. I say if you're happy with your current calorie intake keep at it for a while longer and see what happens. If you continue at that pace on that deficit you may wan tot see your doctor. at thta deficit you should lose 3 pounds a month not a a week, but then again these are all estimates. So just do what works for you a little trial and error isn;t bad and it's almost necessary.