1200 calorie diet



  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    Spinach salads, with some walnuts, feta and low fat balasmic dressing. Raw spinach is only 7 calories per CUP. Go crazy.
    Fish. Don't fry it, don't slather it in butter. Bake it or grill it. Most white fish (tilapia, trout, swai) are filling, have low calories, and are amazingly good for you.
    Hummus and celery. Celery has minimal calories, and hummus is great for protein and for filling you up.
    Also, brussel sprout and kale chips are amazingly delicious.

    I'm on a 1300 calorie restriction, and it's been mainly snacking on fruits and veggies, cutting out most processed food (especially all boxed foods), cutting WAY DOWN on bread, cheese, and red meat, and sticking to very lean meats.

    Good luck!
  • emilygh1974
    emilygh1974 Posts: 65 Member
    Lots of fish
  • hnybunni2
    hnybunni2 Posts: 1 Member
    For snacks, the 100 cal packs are usually good if you just need a sweet taste of something, and it keeps your portions in control.
  • Last night I had a microwaved yam and fake butter. If I have eggs for breakfast, I cut down to one slice of toast, No more cream with coffee. I really enjoy fresh tomatoes and sliced avocado with balsamic vinegar.
  • If you can find it, I have used Better Homes and Gardens New Dieter's Cook Book. They have hundreds of easy recipes that are very low in calories. Each recipe includes the various nutritional amounts. The book is well organized and the recipes are great. I would suggest that you obtain a copy - maybe try Amazon. It also has great diet suggestions and loads of information. Good luck with your calorie goal.
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member

    - apple slices dipped in nonfat Greek yogurt

    - veggies -- cucumbers, carrots, celery, bell peppers -- with hummus (easily homemade) or salsa

    - low-fat cheese sticks


    - pizza omelet, e.g., http://www.thewannabechef.net/2011/07/15/pizza-omelet/

    - omelet loaded with vegetables, low-fat cheese, even a dollop of nonfat Greek yogurt; I create a mock sausage flavor using baby bella mushrooms sauteed with ground black pepper and Italian seasoning

    - sandwiches made with lean deli-sliced turkey, layered vegetables, low-fat cheese, plain nonfat Greek yogurt as "mayo" (flavor as you like), and low-calorie bread (e.g., Sara Lee's 45-calorie multi-grain)

    - green salad with tomatoes and feta -- and any number of other vegetables -- with a lean meat such as grilled chicken

    - soups of all varieties (last night I had acorn squash bisque with brown rice tossed in)

    - green smoothies, e.g., http://iowagirleats.com/2012/01/04/my-top-secret-diet-weapon/

    - fish

    - stir fry

    - try spaghetti squash (40 cal./c.) as opposed to pasta; rely on the sauce for flavor

    Purchase a kitchen scale to track your fruits and veggies by grams -- every calorie counts when you're on a minimum daily calorie requirement. Opt for low-calorie, high-nutrition foods that offer the most bang for your caloric buck -- you'll find fatty dairy, many bread products, and most processed foods in general no longer fit into your day-to-day eating, at least not without consuming a massive quantity of your daily calorie limit in one fell swoop, only to leave you hungry an hour later. Consider switching to unsweetened almond milk, e.g., Silk brand, 30 cal./c. Imbibe water (preferably straight) like you've been stranded in the desert for days. Keep on hand plenty of plain nonfat Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, and especially fresh vegetables, to the point you'll be wishing you had larger-capacity produce drawers.
  • try snacking on celery every so often!! it tastes great, its filling, and its 5 calories per stalk
  • I think that the minimum per diem requirement to avoid your body believing it is starving is 1200 calories. Perhaps a second opinion would be appropriate. Weight loss is like everything else in life. It is best done gradually and it is best done together with exercise. Exercise can mean just walking fast enough to make you sweat or puff. Gradually you will do more and get fitter and go faster. If you start fast you will almost certainly injure yourself.
    Best practice is to set a long term goal and see yourself in your imagination as you want to look. Then work steadily towards it using very short term goals and intermediate goals. S, for example. I have a long term goal to weigh just below 80kg. I started at 95.5. I have set intermediate goals to lose just under 1 kg (actually 1 lb) per fortnight. I have daily goals to live within the goals set by "myfitnesspal". I am succeeding. I have a vivid image of how I want to look when I am 79.6kg. It is a clear motivator for me.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    My favs...

    Light High Fiber English Muffin to start all of these snacks.

    English Muffin + 1 serving light cream cheese + as many fresh strawberry slices as you like = Fruit Pizza (Under 150 calories)

    English Muffin + 1 serving light cream cheese + a few pieces of smoked salmon = Light 'Bagel' with Locks and Cream Cheese (under 150)

    English Muffin + Spray I can't Believe it's not butter + diced fresh tomatoes + fresh basil + spray of olive oil + sprinkling of grated Parm cheese = Healthy Bruschetta (under 150)

    There ya go! They're ALL effing phenomenal and the fiber is higher than other muffins, which is also good.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I think that the minimum per diem requirement to avoid your body believing it is starving is 1200 calories. Perhaps a second opinion would be appropriate. Weight loss is like everything else in life. It is best done gradually and it is best done together with exercise. Exercise can mean just walking fast enough to make you sweat or puff. Gradually you will do more and get fitter and go faster. If you start fast you will almost certainly injure yourself.
    Best practice is to set a long term goal and see yourself in your imagination as you want to look. Then work steadily towards it using very short term goals and intermediate goals. S, for example. I have a long term goal to weigh just below 80kg. I started at 95.5. I have set intermediate goals to lose just under 1 kg (actually 1 lb) per fortnight. I have daily goals to live within the goals set by "myfitnesspal". I am succeeding. I have a vivid image of how I want to look when I am 79.6kg. It is a clear motivator for me.

    ^^^^^This!! 1200 is below most people's BMR. And sometimes Doctors are idiots. Wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion.
  • GrammyVillines
    GrammyVillines Posts: 3 Member
    I have been on a 1200 calorie diet for a little over one year. I have lost approximately 90-95 lbs. One thing that is hard with this diet is getting enough protein. I have found that a serving of nuts either at lunch or as a snack in the afternoon helps me to keep from being hungary. Be sure and measure your nuts. I like Walnuts, so I add them to my daily oatmeal for breakfast to which I add whatever fresh fruit or berries are in season and sprinkle with Splenda.The oatmeal for breakfast assures that I am starting my day off right and keeps me full for a long time. Dinner is a meat (chicken, lean pork, small 2-4 oz red meat, fish or seafood) typically grilled, salad (include nuts on your salad along with berries in season: strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) but watch your dressing: I use vinegarette and I always measure it. I keep lots of fresh fruit, melon, etc. and snack on it between meals. I only occasionally allow white potatoes, rice, or bread. When I eat white bread, I eat Healthy Life 35 calorie whole grain white.
    I keep sugar free popcicles, sugarfree Jello, and yogurt to have for dessert.
  • sugar free jello & sugar free vanilla chocolate pudding ! 10 cals for jello & 60 for the pudding :)
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    What has helped me is to realize that every time I eat, it's a meal. So I figured out how many meals I needed per day to feel satisfied (4) and divided my calories by that number. (It's not usually as exact as that, but it's a rough estimate to work from.)

    The word snack somehow gives me the mental image of something extra. I don't have room in my diet for anything "extra".
  • GrammyVillines
    GrammyVillines Posts: 3 Member
    For a short, small frame woman, 1200 calories can be all the person can eat and not gain weight. Look again!
  • denyse176
    denyse176 Posts: 7 Member
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    For a quick and yummy little snack, I like to get those sugar free jello cups... and put a little dollop of fat free/sugar free cool whip on top. It gives it a nice, creamy texture with just the right amount of sweetness.

    Sugar free popsicles are nice too, or if you want veggie & fruit, get the V-8 Fusion Light and pour them into popsicle molds and freeze them with a popsicle stick. Delicious!

    There are some veggie souffles at Costco (can't remember how many calories, but it's pretty low, since it's 99% veggies), they are very filling and yummy too.

    Make sure you get enough fiber while you're on the diet, FiberOne cereal has some good flavors now, and tossing in some low fat/fat free vanilla yogurt makes a great breakfast.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I think that the minimum per diem requirement to avoid your body believing it is starving is 1200 calories. Perhaps a second opinion would be appropriate. Weight loss is like everything else in life. It is best done gradually and it is best done together with exercise. Exercise can mean just walking fast enough to make you sweat or puff. Gradually you will do more and get fitter and go faster. If you start fast you will almost certainly injure yourself.
    Best practice is to set a long term goal and see yourself in your imagination as you want to look. Then work steadily towards it using very short term goals and intermediate goals. S, for example. I have a long term goal to weigh just below 80kg. I started at 95.5. I have set intermediate goals to lose just under 1 kg (actually 1 lb) per fortnight. I have daily goals to live within the goals set by "myfitnesspal". I am succeeding. I have a vivid image of how I want to look when I am 79.6kg. It is a clear motivator for me.

    ^^^^^This!! 1200 is below most people's BMR. And sometimes Doctors are idiots. Wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion.

    You have NO idea what the OP's health issues are, so please be supportive and give them the advice they ask for, or lay off. They need support, not people telling them they are wrong. Im on 800-1200 calories and im just fine.
  • timebomb821
    timebomb821 Posts: 41 Member

    - Baked apples/pears with honey
    - Banana, raw/with honey
    - Nuts- almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazilian nuts- all of them should be raw
    - Baked pumpkin with honey
    - Apple cake
    - Fruit puree
    - Fruit/vegetable smoothie
    - Green pepper with cheese
    - Pudding
    - Yogurt/milk

    - Vegetable cream soup/boiled vegetables + Roasted chicken fillet
    - Moussaka + yogurt
    - Mish-mash /Balkan style/
    - Sushi
    - Brown rice with chicken/pork
    - Stuffed red peppers with rice and meat - feel full after just a pepper
    - Tarator /yogurt + water + cucumber = cold soup/ + chicken breast
    - Pizza with no flour added /mince crust/

    These are my favourite meals.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    To original poster: I eat 1200 cals a day and it's not a problem. Please feel free to look at my diary, although most of my evening meals I log by their individual ingredients so it's hard to tell what I made. For example this weekend I made paella, but logged it as rice, chicken and shrimp - basically everything else in paella is spices. My main recommendation is to find some varied salad recipes that you like and taste good to you. Always eat lots of leafy greens and veggies, and it fills you up. My favorite right now is the Sorrento baby arugula blend from Trader Joe's - so yum! Add fresh herbs to your salad for flavor. I never have problems going over my calories. I also drink flavored mineral water throughout the day - it's the same nutrition as still water but feels more like soda or juice. I hope this helps.
  • I'm in the same situation- only 1200 calories. Here's some meals/snacks that I seem to eat everyday:

    Special K 90 calorie bar
    Walmart slimfast shake- 170 calories
    Walmart tuna pouch- 60 calories
    Keebler 100 calorie pack (cookies,fudge stripes)
    1 hard boiled egg- 77 calories
    Use powdered non-dairy creamer instead of milk or half and half for coffee
    Lays fat free potato chips (75 calories per serving)
    Make your portions smaller on rice, pasta and potatoes
    Eat lots more veggies- steamed or grilled is best. You can eat tons for very few calories and feel full
    Change to reduced fat or fat free salad dressing (Kens is pretty good):smile:
    Going out to dinner is a challenge. Decide what you will eat before you go and try to avoid pastas.
    Good luck and hang in there.......:flowerforyou: