Raising children in a healthy lifestyle



  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I have an 8yo and a 2yo. I make sure exercise is part of our everyday routine. We don't have a car so they are used to walking (my 8yo does 1 hour a day just walking to and from school). My 2yo still uses a pushchair because of the amount of walking we do, but she is allowed in and out of it as she pleases and can walk for 90mins at a time. I take my 8yo swimming and bike riding and the little one to play in the park (swimming aggravates her skin so she can't go regularly).

    For food we have everyday foods and sometimes foods. I teach them about how if you want to be big and strong you need 'superhero' food. Basically good healthy foods in the right proportions to build your strong body and provide energy - plenty of fruit and veg, whole grains, lean protein, dairy and good fats. They do have treats but they are limited - usually a small thing after dinner, such as 1 sweet/piece of candy, never a packet full. And never eaten out of the packet - portions are measured out and put in a bowl or similar container.

    Mostly though it is leading by example. They see what we do and they copy. Dinner is a family meal and eaten together, and I make sure it is healthy home cooked food, but also we like tasty food. I keep an eye on their weight (they like to weigh themselves as they see me do it).

    But I think it is also important to help them fit a healthy lifestyle into a normal life. This weekend was my son and husbands birthday (same day) so essentially we spent all weekend having parties and going out for meals. The kids were allowed to eat what they liked and when they liked. But they know we spent last week and will spend this week cutting out the 'extras' to make up for it. Next weekend is my birthday so more celebrations. However it is interesting to watch how, when left to their own devices, although they don't make perfect choices, they could be worse. And they don't overeat, they will stop half way through their meal if full. But my son did end up with a stomach ache (excessive amounts of carbs seem to do that to him), and we do point out that eating 'badly' does make you feel ill if you keep it up long enough, fine for a day or so but not longer.

    I do believe in having things in moderation - you can eat whichever foods you like as long as it is a reasonable portion size, and the majority of their diet is healthy. Also I don't really do 'kids food', they eat what we eat. Last week when we went out for a meal they had tapas and loved it. They like spicy food and we have an interesting and varied diet. Healthy food is something to be enjoyed, not suffered through.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    It is nice too read from all the great parents on MFP. Thanks
  • dalana84
    dalana84 Posts: 75 Member
    I have had a great time reading the posts from all the other parents here. Like some of you I am still learning for myself as well as my little ones but I'm also lucky that they are really open to trying new things. They love Greek yogurt, fruit, SOME of the veggies they've been offered (they love carrots, snap peas, broccoli and even broccoli rabe!) I try to make sure they get blanced meals each day. They love apples with peanut butter, blueberries /raspberries and some other really great snacks. Ive had to convince their dad that they may not like everything they are offered, especially at dinner and its okay to have a backup, healthy go to. He is getting better with this instead of trying to make them eat something they obviously don't want.

    I try to lead by example to teach them how to interact with and speak to others, and try to keep a calm, happy energy.

    I never thought I wanted children mostly because I didn't want to be completely horrible at being a parent. Now that they are here I find myself trying to learn more about how to bring them up in a manner that will help them become all that they can be.

    Again, love these posts-thank you to all of you who have responded! Keep them coming I think there are a lot of parents who will enjoy this :smile: