women who have had c sections/?



  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    I have two kids my 3 and half year old was vaginal and my 9 month old was an emergency csection. I see such a difference this time around losing weight especially down by incision. Not sure if I would do it but what do they do for a tummy tuck from csection is the recovery as bad as a csection recovery?

    Would be nice to have more friends on here who have had csections and can relate so feel free to add me !!!
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    My C-section pouch is the last holdout for me to rejoice in my weight loss. I would be so thrilled at this point of my weight loss if it was not for this pouch. My section was 16 yrs ago. I am currently doing the Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis- Abcentric DVD 90 day program in the hopes to ditch the pouch.
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    My scar/s are hip to hip, also had 5 miscarriages, they do take a toll too, especially the later ones. I can feel the muscle definition below the skin, including the hernia above my belly button, my lower abs are completely wonky (first two c-sects were "crash") but they are there!
    It's the apron of skin that bothers me, if I put my fingers along my scar, and grab the top of the apron with my thumbs, I have two handfuls of gross and can feel my fingers and thumb through it all. I'm pretty sure that ain't going to bounce back. I also have no skin sensation whatsoever from my belly-button to the scar, not touch or hot or cold, I do feel pain there though, :frown: .

    I get a bit sick of people saying it'll go back "eventually" with exercise etc. You haven't met/felt my belly and even my GP and a surgeon have said even if I had crazy 4% bodyfat then the apron skin would still be there.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    I've had one. I didn't have extra skin from having a c-section. It's from being pregnant in general, gaining too much weight, and then not doing anything to get back in shape right after. I don't see why a c-section in of itself would cause any extra or saggy skin as opposed to any other type of surgery.
  • 4aFitTina
    I have had 2 c-sections and was really REALLY hoping that the "shelf" as I call it would go away with exercise. I will work my *kitten* off (well really my shelf off) and try. So far it's getting smaller, but not going away...
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Like the other posters said, it will depend on your body. I've had 2 c-sections (my kids are 5 & 11). No problems getting my waist back to normal, however getting my abs toned is another story....but, that's why I'm here. (I have pics on my profile as well)
  • NotHopelessButHopeful
    Wondering if this has happened to anyone else. I had my second c-section close to 3 years ago but on one side above the scar a few inches looks odd, kind of sunken in. It reminds me of when you pull a thread on your clothes and it bunches. It really hurts to do abdominal exercises.