Restriction or Moderation??



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I don't restrict. I have ice cream almost every day and pizza usually once a week. If I didn't, I would end up shoving food in my face and not logging it one day, which would turn into several, because I would've eaten everything in sight.

    ETA: I have banned Oreos and Goober Grape from my house because I cannot be trusted with either of those. So if there's a particular food you know is a trigger, it would be a good idea to abstain until you feel more in control.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies!! Its so cool to see how different everyone is and after reading your responces it kinda seems like there is always alittle bit of both! Even most people who eat pretty restrictive seem to at least have a "cheat" day or meal occasionally and even ones who eat what they want still have those few things that are definitely off limits!! I understand how it is having something in the house that is too hard to resist lol if i dont have it in the house, out of sight out of mind (for the most part lol)

    Has anyone found any healthy replacements for those forbidden vices? Maybe a lighter version of the original or even a snack that satisfies the cravings?
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    For the most part it is moderation for me, but on certain categories of foods, I do find myself restricting those because they could lead to a whole lot of trouble for me and lead to craving more and more of the wrong foods.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    As strange as this sounds, instead of wolfing down a small tin of pringles, or rice cakes etc, I'm now having cucumber slices (like fake chips!), they ain't that bad... and I love POPCORN, it's the best snack, feels naughty, but isn't infact as bad as you think :)
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    restriction on the every day diet... moderation on special occasions...

    if you TRUELY believe in moderation then you need to measure all of the food you eat in oder to get an accurate amount of calories... so if you choose to eat a calorically dense food such as chocolate cake or ice cream you have to measure it out closely in order to have true moderation.
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    Restriction for now, when I'm closer to goal I'll move into Moderation. I'm working on nutrition too, and a lot of "moderate" things are a lot less nutritious.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Moderation for me. I have noticed though, that some foods I just don't care enough about to let them have the space left in my macro's!
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Definatly moderation for me. I found I could'nt give up my Starbucks coffee twice a week. So i switched from a Grande Mocha with cream (approx 330kals) to a tall skinny hazelnut(SF) latte (approx 100kals) and i enjoy this more.

    I do really enjoy a domino's pizza, probably once-twice a month as a treat and im either at the gym that day or the one after.

    Iv found since watching my calories that somethings I would have just ate before are no longer in my diet as I just dont think they are worth the calories, i cut back on pasta for this reason with the added benefit that I have realised I have a wheat intorlance. Makes me really ill if I eat it as often as I used to. So small measured portions now.
  • alinakaras
    alinakaras Posts: 51 Member
    I am trying to wean myself off processed foods again and I've been doing well - it definitely helps when you do some research and realise why certain foods are not good for you and plainly unhealthy. But having said that, I can't tell you that I will NEVER have something processed again - it's still too early to say that but hopefully one day I will be able to commit to it fully.

    In general, I try to eat in moderation - I take this rule for carbs mainly.
  • 041jackson
    041jackson Posts: 36 Member
    For me, I ALWAYS have 5 peanut M&M's or a ferrero roche ball everyday!
    I find that if I know its available and already counted, I don't feel deprived, or get that 'panicky' sense.
    The best part is I usually skip them 2 or 3 times a week anyways!
    It also reduces my desire for other cheat foods... My mentality is 'if i want it, Ill have it' - it does wonders for actually reducing my 'apparent' cravings and I hardly ever deviate from my 'good' foods, as a result.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Moderation mostly.

    I don't eat fast food and anything deep fried. I had fried seafood once during the summer and felt horrible after. I don't know if I will ever want it again. Fast food makes me feel gross too. Everything else I have in moderation though! A slice of pizza, a half cup of ice cream, and light beer are regulars in my diary and I still have success. I just save calories for them when I Want them.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I prefer moderation combined with balance. That works for me because I'm at a "maintenance" point. Way back when, I was able to put up with a restrictive diet because I was looking to loose weight over a set period of time. Now that my focus is maintenance, it's easier this way because I don't have to be heavily diet-conscious. All I generally have to do is make sure I don't eat too much, either by making my food in proper portions or leaving food on the plate at restaurants, and that I try to eat a generally balanced mix of foods. By doing this, I find the macros tend to be pretty much on target while not making me stress out about what I'm eating. It also allows me to be adaptable when my life becomes unpredictable.
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    I don't restrict myself. If I do, I completely set myself up for failure. I pretty much eat what I want, but in moderation. Also, when I'm cooking, I find ways to eat the foods I love, but substituting certain things for healthier options. I can substitute certain ingredients when I'm cooking to lower calories and fat.

    I've always been the type that if you tell me I can't do something, I'm going to do it. I'm that way with food and such too. If I tell myself I can't have it, that's the first thing I want.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    For me, if I try to completely cut something out, I usually don't do so well. Of course, moderation is hard for me too... but I'm learning. For me, I think moderation would be better. But, I would make sure things like sweets (chocolate, icecream, etc...) are for only once a week or so....
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I can't do moderation with ice cream, as an example. I just eat the whole thing. So, I just don't buy it. There are a few other things like that too. For the most part though, most things I can do moderation. There are just a few things I have to stay away from.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I try to use moderation the most.

    My diary would back that up.

    At the same time I stay away from fast food and utterly "bad" food.

    But if I want a candybar, I'm going to have one.

    Fast food would probably be the one thing I do restrict. Unless you count Wendy's frosty. I have those about once a month or so. Other than that... no fast food for me.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Moderation if you can control yourself.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I can't do moderation with ice cream, as an example. I just eat the whole thing. So, I just don't buy it. There are a few other things like that too. For the most part though, most things I can do moderation. There are just a few things I have to stay away from.

    That's my problem. I have to limit how much icecream I do buy, or I would go overboard. And I never keep the stuff at home.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I can't go without a pre-planned set of meals. I'm a sneak and a cheat in my eating past and I'll over estimate on how many chips I've eaten or just not notice and without a set idea of what I'll be having and how much, I'm likely to binge eat or graze on what's left on my kids plates or what's left in the pot on the stove -- no matter what it is. Granted, grazing on steamed broccoli is much different than grazing on a pre-packaged rice side, but once I start, I don't stop. I have to be very conscious of what and how much I eat and when I'm eating it. I found that in the past and still from time-to-time now, I eat when I'm bored or I eat when I'm sleepy or I'll wake up and eat in my sleep. All of these are not good things for me to do because the calories aren't satisfying and I just want more and because I feel guilty for doing it. There are foods that just seem much more empty to me now. Sure, I'd like to have a big glass of full fat lactose free milk and 2 packages of Lil Debbies Swiss Rolls and a King Size Zero bar for breakfast (hello sugar junkie!), but that's just not going to work for me anymore. Hasn't in a long time now! I eat for my future, not because of my past.
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    For me definetly moderation. I tried restriction and boy that did not work well at all.