Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!

Ok girls here is our daily check in thread! !

I am 25 and I weigh 130. My goal is 115 by April 8th. I just started P90X on Jan 9th and Im pumped. I hope I can keep it up! Yesterdays work out was plyometrics and it SUCKED!! Now I have to work in getting enough calories for the day. Anyone know any good foods to eat for energy and still be able to lose weight??


  • kann007
    kann007 Posts: 15
    Hey all, I am kimberly I am 23. I started my weightloss plan Jan. 5 and I have a goal of losing 35 Lbs by June 26 when I will be in my husbands sisters wedding. I have been overweight my whole life and finally am getting control and going to reach my goals. I mainly have just being using the elliptical for 40 min a day so far.
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 24 and I just found out I'm hypoglycemic. Because of that, I've had a hard time losing weight. My dr. put me on a pretty strict diet that follows what MFP tells me to do to a T. I kickbox, lift, and run, but this P90X thing sounds pretty brutal, so I wouldn't mind trying it!

    I have a *REALLY* hard time getting enough calories in for the day, too! I feel like I have to stuff my face at dinner to eat my exercise calories! I'm trying to spread them out throughout the day, but I'm afraid I won't be able to work out, then I'll have over-eaten for the day.

    For some quick cals, I eat a handful of nuts. Planters has a NUTrition mix for heart health that I like to eat. I also like the Emerald's 100 calorie packs of nuts. I'm still trying to find that magic food that has a lot of calories without any sugar or sodium.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey i would love to join too!

    I am 23 currently 143 would like to get down to 130. I am getting married in Sept. and it is in Vegas and the honeymoon in the Bahamas!! So I need a great body for my dress and my bikini! I am working out with a personal trainer so I think I can get there in 8 months!

    As for foods to give you energy, I love a handful of almonds, a hard boiled egg, and apple slices with natural peanut butter. Yogurt is usually good too. I'm sure there are more that I can't think of now, but I hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    Hey ladies!!! I'm Mary Beth, & I'm 29. I currently weigh 179 & I want to get down to 140 by July. I just started back on MFP on Jan. 3rd & back to the gym on Jan. 4th. I want to go to the gym 5-6 days a week, working out 45-60 mins. a day (mostly cardio). I'm really psyched about loosing my weight so I'm comfortable in summer clothes for vacation in July. So I have allowed myself plenty of time to get with it.
  • lynsien
    lynsien Posts: 11
    Hey!! I'm 24. I've slowly been losing some weight (lost 5 since July) but I am looking to lose an additional 10 lbs. I started at 130, now am 125 and would possibly like to get down to around 115. (I'm 5'3" so every pound counts) Hopefully by summer time. My birthday is in June so it would be a good birthday present to myself. :) I will be recieving P90x in the mail soon so I'm looking forward to starting that and starting losing some weight and getting healthier! Can't wait!
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I'm 24, I'm at 201 lbs, started two weeks ago or so, at 210 lbs. My goal is to be about 160-170 for summer, and then 130ish by next Christmas ( ideally November for my birthday!) I bought the p90x dvds, and have yet to start them out of fear that everyone around here calls them the 'p90murder' dvds and I'm a wimp. So far I'm just trying to eat properly. It's working effectively, I need to put some exercise into all this, but I'm broke so no gyms or anything for me. Anyway, good luck to everyone!

    I guess my trouble area would be, I tend to fluxuate really badly. I either eat wayyyy over 1200 calories, and at like 1 or 2 huge meals. OR I find that I can't even eat up to 1200 calories, because I only eat once or twice a day.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • FoxxyGirl84
    Yesterday I did not reach 1200 calories but I was close. I thinking it might be good to stay slightly close. Today I have a lunch date with some friends so Im really gonna have to use willpower to order something healthy.

    Yesterdays work out was shoulders and arms and then ab ripper X.... I liked it. It wasnt that hard which probably means I needed more cardio. Im gonna pick up a heart rate monitor today so I can make sure Im burning enough calories.

    Today is yoga but something tells me that its not that relaxing on P90X.

    Well this is my check in for the day! Hows everyone else doing??
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    I always end up under 1200 net calories. It's hard to try to meet your goal when you work out! I'm not working out today, so I'll be closer to the 1200. I feel like weekends are so hard! Between eating out and eating with my or my bf's family (which I do on some weekends), I feel like I'm offending people when I don't eat as much as or the same types of food as they do.
  • lynsien
    lynsien Posts: 11
    Did pretty good yesterday. Made my 1240 calories, almost perfect. I did the wii fit yesterday so I gained a few more calories. The only thing is I used those extra calories to have a little ice cream with my bf. Still made it within my calories though!! Got P90x yesterday too. So excited to start!! My bf wants to start on Tuesday though... so this weekend it's before pictures and measurements!
  • kjalle2
    Hey everyone! I'd love to join! I'm 27 and I weigh 128.5. So far I've lost 7 lbs. Started out 135.5 and my goal is to be down to 118 by July! My problem is....I'm not getting enough calories but I keep going over on protein and fat! I workout to get rid of those but then I whined up with a lot more calories than I need! Anyone have any ideas to help me? I have a 2 yr old and a 5 month old..I need all the energy I can get! I workout 3-4 times a week and I'm losing weight but also feeling drained at the same time!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Yesterday I did not reach 1200 calories but I was close. I thinking it might be good to stay slightly close. Today I have a lunch date with some friends so Im really gonna have to use willpower to order something healthy.

    Yesterdays work out was shoulders and arms and then ab ripper X.... I liked it. It wasnt that hard which probably means I needed more cardio. Im gonna pick up a heart rate monitor today so I can make sure Im burning enough calories.

    Today is yoga but something tells me that its not that relaxing on P90X.

    Well this is my check in for the day! Hows everyone else doing??

    I didn't reach 1200 calorie net either. I had a personal trainer session for that took me under. I did really well yesterday with meal planning and eating healthy!
  • FoxxyGirl84
    Ok yesterday I met my calorie intake but Im not sure it was good calories. lol. I went to fatz for lunch and then subway for dinner. Also, I skipped my work out but it was yoga so Im going to do it this morning and then catch up this afternoon.

    I keep going over my protien but It only says Im supposed to get 45g... I thought you were supposed to get more than that when youre working out???
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Ok yesterday I met my calorie intake but Im not sure it was good calories. lol. I went to fatz for lunch and then subway for dinner. Also, I skipped my work out but it was yoga so Im going to do it this morning and then catch up this afternoon.

    I keep going over my protien but It only says Im supposed to get 45g... I thought you were supposed to get more than that when youre working out???

    Hey I believe that the protein limit on here is low. I always get around 80-100g protein when i work out.
  • kjalle2
    Good Tuesday Morning Everyone!!! I had a great weekend.....and I didn't splurge to bad either!!! Even though it would have been soooo easy to! Worried about my weigh in tomorrow morning! I don't think I've moved much....seems like things are slowing down a tad! :( Oh well..I'll keep my fingers crossed! Good luck this week!!!
  • kjalle2
    Awesome question about the foods for energy....I need to know that to! I need to know foods I can eat to get Calories but not lots of fats!
  • lynsien
    lynsien Posts: 11
    Hey!! How'd everyone do this week?? I'm pretty proud of myself... I actually did day 4 of P90x and have been about even or under my calories all week. Been trying to eat more protein and cut back a little on carbs. Also for some reason it's really hard for me to drink 8 glasses of water a day. That's bad I know... but I'm trying to drink more. Hope everyones doing good!! :)
  • kjalle2
    Options's not been the best weekend!!! i haven't hardly ate because I have 2 sick babies! don't have time! hoping things will improve very soon so that I can get back on track tomorrow.!! hope everyone else had a good one!
  • kjalle2
    WooHoo! 9 lbs down!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    WooHoo! 9 lbs down!

    Wow great work kjalle2!!!:drinker: