Do I really have to work out to lose weight?



  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    Its easy to lose weight. Just eat at a caloric deficit. Basically eat less calories than what you burn off in a day. Although I would recommend also exercising. You'll look better.
  • BabyJago
    BabyJago Posts: 15 Member
    Exercise is a wonderful thing, but diet and counting calories is the real key to weight loss. Exercise makes you feel better, releases stress, can make you stronger...but you have to really work out at a super athletic level to make it count over diet and counting calories alone. People also tend to over estimate how effective their workout is and then wonder why they are not losing weight.

    I have been exercising for over 20 years, but weight loss seems to come more readily when I just watch what I eat. So, count your calories and try to make sure they're "good" ones - i.e. high protein, low sugar, etc.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Not only that but weight management in the future will be much easier with an elevated resting metabolic rate thanks to an increase in lean body mass (assuming you strength train). By not exercising, strength training in particular, you will be incapable of maintaining lean body mass as you age. Thus, you'll constantly be reducing calories just to maintain weight meaning far less flexibility in food choices.

    You have to ask yourself how you wish to live in the future, not just in terms of losing weight. Do you want to eat like a bird or a human the rest of your life?

    Agree with this ^^^^^^^^^
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    sounds like you are eating very poorly, too many carbs too much sugar. too much sodium, not enough fiber, protein or potassium.there are 24 hours in a day. you only sleep about 8 hours, that gives you 16 hours. subtract the hours that you work from 16 it will show you how much time in a day you have to work out.. you will never have energy if you don't eat the right stuff. also dehydration will zap your energy. try to get your water up to the recommended 8 a day at least. make sure you eat a snack a half hour before you work out. or you will continue to hate exercise. i learned that the hard way. i have to eat high fiber and protein before a work out, then i can get an hour in, if i don't i'm pushing 17 minutes. tou can lose weight by less calories, but it will take forever.

    You seemed to miss the fact that she has narcolepsy.