Candida overgrowth and its' effect on weight loss



  • Roxiesmother
    Bump because I am interested to see if there is a connection between candida and water retention.
  • jilliancampayno
    So happy someone else is experiencing this! Are you on fb by chance? I'm trying to get some opinions on what to do. I just found out I have overgrowth as well.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    So.... OP is eating too many calories?
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I've been doing a lot of research lately on issues that can impede weight loss because if another well meaning person tells me that weight loss is a simple matter of less calories in than out.... I may just kick them in the head :) I have worked my butt off; used a HRM to get accurate calories burned during workouts; measured everything I eat; and tracked faithfully while achieving minimal results. Has anyone else experienced the general symptoms of systemic candida? What have you done that has helped you to lose weight despite this obstacle?

    My Candida ( and a one-time severe case of thrush ) was brought on by Lupus and I quit eating all processed foods, rice, pasta and bakery goods and have since April lost 44 pounds . I gave up sugar more than 30 years ago when it was still believed I would almost certainly end up being a diabetic , because both my parents were and one grandparent. My mother died from complications from diabetes at age 38 and I lived in terror to end up like her. Now I am used to not eating sweet things and no longer like them , which is a good thing , because Candida thrives on anything that has simple carbs in it.
    I should add that I quit eating simple carbs ( I still eat some complex carbs and a lot of vegetables) because of the troubles I had due to Candida, not to lose weight and I cannot say with certainty that my weight loss has anything to do with it. I tend to believe that the weight loss is mostly because I eat 1200 calories ( appropriate for my age and hight )....but I am not sure. I feel a heck of a lot better now, which makes sticking to a certain calorie deficit much easier than before.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    How the hell can you have systemic candida? do you know what candida is? it's thrush. It's a fungus.

    Systemic means throughout your system. In your blood, in your tissue. In your gut.

    Who on earth gave you the idea that that was even possible?

    You might want to google " Systemic Candidiasis " because what you posted is really uninformed.

    Among other things you will learn the following:

    Also called Systemic Candidiasis, Candida Albicans, and Monilla.

    It will steal your breath, your energy, your life. It is a yeast found in minute quantities along with millions of beneficial B vitamin producing bacteria (Lactobacilli) in a healthy body.

    Candida is a dimorphic organism, having the chameleon-like ability to change from a yeast to the mycelial fungal form. The yeast-like form is a noninvasive, sugar-fermenting organism. The fungal form produces rhitzoids, long root-like structures which are invasive and can penetrate the intestinal mucosa like in "leaky gut" syndrome, releasing metabolic toxins, and incompletely digested proteins into the blood stream. This initiates a series of adverse reactions that may cause tissue damage, and a wide range of problems, including food sensitivities and allergies.

    Antibiotics kill off the beneficial bacteria which normally suppress Candida. Mutant or wild type bacteria are created which are highly resistant to antibiotics.

    Nutritional Deficiencies. Poor diet, poor digestion and malabsorption from gluten intolerance all set the stage for poor resistance to Candida overgrowth.

    Antibiotic Residues in Commercial Meat: antibiotic and hormone-free meats are preferable.

    Use of Recreational Drugs - Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, tobacco, etc. These drugs stress the liver, the adrenals, and the immune system. The attendant erratic nutrition further depletes well-being and resistance to Candida.

    The Pill. The hormones in birth control pills encourage yeast growth. Cortisone, Prednisone, etc. encourage yeast growth.

    Operations, Catheterization, Radiation, Anti-Cancer Drugs, Amalgam Fillings: Some holistic practitioners feel the leaching of mercury from silver/mercury amalgams puts a toxic load on the body, preventing full health and complete eradication of Candida.

    Anti-yeast Pharmaceuticals, including Oral and Topical Preparations are producing new resistant strains of these microorganisms. This can lead to recurrent infections that resist treatment and become a debilitating health problem.

    Reduced oxygen supplies: Oxygen will help kill germs, bacteria, virus and fungus; candida is a fungus. Having adequate oxygen stores reduces biochemical stresses and maximizes bodily function in the presence of parasites such as candida.

    Candida often first spreads in the Gl tract. Many symptoms can develop, such as gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, nausea, constipation and/or diarrhea, and major cravings for sugar, starches and alcohol, which are the foods the candida increasingly demands. The more of these candida foods that are consumed, the worse you begin to feel as candida proliferates, releasing toxins and interfering with digestion. Eventually, the yeast can enter the blood stream ( yes the blood stream , even though you think it is not possible) and spread through the body. At this point, the immune system begins to be overwhelmed and to falter. As the candida spreads, symptoms can grow more diffuse and convoluted: Depression, lethargy, mental confusion/fog, mood swings, PMS, confused thyroid function, susceptibility to infections (sinus, respiratory, bladder, gums, etc.), sensitivity to pollutants, fumes (which can become full-blown "environmental illness"), achy muscles and/or joints, skin fungus...

    Extensive research shows that a successful program for controlling candida and fungal overgrowth must achieve three goals. First, the candida and fungal population of the body must be gradually, yet significantly reduced. Second, the immune system must be strengthened, and activated to further deplete candida or fungal overgrowth. Third, the health of the intestinal tract must be rebuilt. This may be accomplished through re-seeding the colon with friendly flora, and by normalizing the pH of the gastrointestinal tract.

    This is an indicative and non-comprehensive list of what might be avoided. It depends from case to case.
    Sweets, Candy of all lands, sugar: white, brown, raw. Maple syrup. Rice syrup, Sweeteners, Honey, Malt, Corn sweetener. High fructose corn syrup. Fructose, Corn syrup, Miso, Nutrasweet, Aspartame, Saccharine. Mushrooms. Dairy Products: Milk, Cheese. Yeast containing foods, Alcohol containing foods. Herb tea (except Pau D'Arco), Soy Sauce, Vinegars, Fruit*: Fruit juices, especially sweetened. Canned fruit. Oranges, bananas, grapes and dried fruit (raisins, dates, figs, etc.), Fruit juice concentrate. Starches: grains in general, with the exception of quinoa, millet and rice. Potato chips, french fries. Left over food in general, lard, margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oils.

    * In some cases fruit will not be recommended at all.

    Those not dairy intolerant can eat yogurt (encouraged) and buttermilk. Freshly prepared soups (non-cream or milk base). Flavoring: Liberal amounts of fresh lemon , fresh herbs rather than dried (due to mold content in dried). Garlic, onion, curry, pepper (in moderation) Oils: Flax, Olive, grape seed (not rape seed), safflower, sesame.

    Vegetable juices, other liquids: Fresh carrot, celery and/or parsley juice. Lemon water before meals.

    There is a lot more information out there, which I am sure you can easily find should you chose to get informed on Candida.
    I should say however that I do think that Candida does not directly impede weight loss.
  • Charlottesometimes23
    How the hell can you have systemic candida? do you know what candida is? it's thrush. It's a fungus.

    Systemic means throughout your system. In your blood, in your tissue. In your gut.

    Who on earth gave you the idea that that was even possible?

    You might want to google " Systemic Candidiasis " because what you posted is really uninformed.

    Among other things you will learn the following:

    Also called Systemic Candidiasis, Candida Albicans, and Monilla.

    It will steal your breath, your energy, your life. It is a yeast found in minute quantities along with millions of beneficial B vitamin producing bacteria (Lactobacilli) in a healthy body.

    Candida is a dimorphic organism, having the chameleon-like ability to change from a yeast to the mycelial fungal form. The yeast-like form is a noninvasive, sugar-fermenting organism. The fungal form produces rhitzoids, long root-like structures which are invasive and can penetrate the intestinal mucosa like in "leaky gut" syndrome, releasing metabolic toxins, and incompletely digested proteins into the blood stream. This initiates a series of adverse reactions that may cause tissue damage, and a wide range of problems, including food sensitivities and allergies.

    Antibiotics kill off the beneficial bacteria which normally suppress Candida. Mutant or wild type bacteria are created which are highly resistant to antibiotics.

    Nutritional Deficiencies. Poor diet, poor digestion and malabsorption from gluten intolerance all set the stage for poor resistance to Candida overgrowth.

    Antibiotic Residues in Commercial Meat: antibiotic and hormone-free meats are preferable.

    Use of Recreational Drugs - Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, tobacco, etc. These drugs stress the liver, the adrenals, and the immune system. The attendant erratic nutrition further depletes well-being and resistance to Candida.

    The Pill. The hormones in birth control pills encourage yeast growth. Cortisone, Prednisone, etc. encourage yeast growth.

    Operations, Catheterization, Radiation, Anti-Cancer Drugs, Amalgam Fillings: Some holistic practitioners feel the leaching of mercury from silver/mercury amalgams puts a toxic load on the body, preventing full health and complete eradication of Candida.

    Anti-yeast Pharmaceuticals, including Oral and Topical Preparations are producing new resistant strains of these microorganisms. This can lead to recurrent infections that resist treatment and become a debilitating health problem.

    Reduced oxygen supplies: Oxygen will help kill germs, bacteria, virus and fungus; candida is a fungus. Having adequate oxygen stores reduces biochemical stresses and maximizes bodily function in the presence of parasites such as candida.

    Candida often first spreads in the Gl tract. Many symptoms can develop, such as gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, nausea, constipation and/or diarrhea, and major cravings for sugar, starches and alcohol, which are the foods the candida increasingly demands. The more of these candida foods that are consumed, the worse you begin to feel as candida proliferates, releasing toxins and interfering with digestion. Eventually, the yeast can enter the blood stream ( yes the blood stream , even though you think it is not possible) and spread through the body. At this point, the immune system begins to be overwhelmed and to falter. As the candida spreads, symptoms can grow more diffuse and convoluted: Depression, lethargy, mental confusion/fog, mood swings, PMS, confused thyroid function, susceptibility to infections (sinus, respiratory, bladder, gums, etc.), sensitivity to pollutants, fumes (which can become full-blown "environmental illness"), achy muscles and/or joints, skin fungus...

    Extensive research shows that a successful program for controlling candida and fungal overgrowth must achieve three goals. First, the candida and fungal population of the body must be gradually, yet significantly reduced. Second, the immune system must be strengthened, and activated to further deplete candida or fungal overgrowth. Third, the health of the intestinal tract must be rebuilt. This may be accomplished through re-seeding the colon with friendly flora, and by normalizing the pH of the gastrointestinal tract.

    This is an indicative and non-comprehensive list of what might be avoided. It depends from case to case.
    Sweets, Candy of all lands, sugar: white, brown, raw. Maple syrup. Rice syrup, Sweeteners, Honey, Malt, Corn sweetener. High fructose corn syrup. Fructose, Corn syrup, Miso, Nutrasweet, Aspartame, Saccharine. Mushrooms. Dairy Products: Milk, Cheese. Yeast containing foods, Alcohol containing foods. Herb tea (except Pau D'Arco), Soy Sauce, Vinegars, Fruit*: Fruit juices, especially sweetened. Canned fruit. Oranges, bananas, grapes and dried fruit (raisins, dates, figs, etc.), Fruit juice concentrate. Starches: grains in general, with the exception of quinoa, millet and rice. Potato chips, french fries. Left over food in general, lard, margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oils.

    * In some cases fruit will not be recommended at all.

    Those not dairy intolerant can eat yogurt (encouraged) and buttermilk. Freshly prepared soups (non-cream or milk base). Flavoring: Liberal amounts of fresh lemon , fresh herbs rather than dried (due to mold content in dried). Garlic, onion, curry, pepper (in moderation) Oils: Flax, Olive, grape seed (not rape seed), safflower, sesame.

    Vegetable juices, other liquids: Fresh carrot, celery and/or parsley juice. Lemon water before meals.

    There is a lot more information out there, which I am sure you can easily find should you chose to get informed on Candida.
    I should say however that I do think that Candida does not directly impede weight loss.

    This is mainly pseudoscience. What is the source for this?

    Systemic Candidiasis is certainly real but it's a life-threatening condition that usually leads to death unless people are treated with antimicrobials.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member

    Systemic Candidiasis is certainly real but it's a life-threatening condition that usually leads to death unless people are treated with antimicrobials.

    That is not true, because it is foolish to assume that most people don't get treated when they have systemic candidiasis. Most people do get treated. I had a case of systemic candida was bedridden, at times on a feeding tube, took several really hardcore meds ( Diflucan/Fluconazole and Anidulafungin IV and by mouth and another one of which I don't remember the name) but got better and am now fine avoiding certain foods and taking a course of Diflucan every 90 days for two years. At no point did my doctors say that I was in danger of dying . I was however really ill for several weeks.
    The article was sent to me by the Medical Center of the University of Maryland which has in 2009 ( after supposedly the new guidelines for treatment of fungal diseases came out in the US) developed a Systemic Candidiasis protocol that is used in 3rd world countries where due to a variety of circumstances this health problem is more prevalent than in more industrialized and developed countries.
  • Charlottesometimes23

    Systemic Candidiasis is certainly real but it's a life-threatening condition that usually leads to death unless people are treated with antimicrobials.

    That is not true, because it is foolish to assume that most people don't get treated when they have systemic candidiasis. Most people do get treated. I had a case of systemic candida was bedridden, at times on a feeding tube, took several really hardcore meds ( Diflucan/Fluconazole and Anidulafungin IV and by mouth and another one of which I don't remember the name) but got better and am now fine avoiding certain foods and taking a course of Diflucan every 90 days for two years. At no point did my doctors say that I was in danger of dying . I was however really ill for several weeks.
    The article was sent to me by the Medical Center of the University of Maryland which has in 2009 ( after supposedly the new guidelines for treatment of fungal diseases came out in the US) developed a Systemic Candidiasis protocol that is used in 3rd world countries where due to a variety of circumstances this health problem is more prevalent than in more industrialized and developed countries.
    I didn't assume that most people with systemic candidiasis don't get treated. Where did you read that in my comment?

    You describe a very serious illness, that is real but rare. Your 'hard core' meds were antimicrobials. Although the dr didn't discuss the potential consequences with you, it doesn't mean that they didn't exist.

    However, some of the information you posted is not real eg. 'leaky gut syndrome', that oxygen helps kill germs and bacteria (some bacteria are aerobes and thrive on oxygen) and viruses (simply incorrect), the special foods that candida demands (nonsense) etc. It all smells of CAM practitioner.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member

    Systemic Candidiasis is certainly real but it's a life-threatening condition that usually leads to death unless people are treated with antimicrobials.

    That is not true, because it is foolish to assume that most people don't get treated when they have systemic candidiasis. Most people do get treated. I had a case of systemic candida was bedridden, at times on a feeding tube, took several really hardcore meds ( Diflucan/Fluconazole and Anidulafungin IV and by mouth and another one of which I don't remember the name) but got better and am now fine avoiding certain foods and taking a course of Diflucan every 90 days for two years. At no point did my doctors say that I was in danger of dying . I was however really ill for several weeks.
    The article was sent to me by the Medical Center of the University of Maryland which has in 2009 ( after supposedly the new guidelines for treatment of fungal diseases came out in the US) developed a Systemic Candidiasis protocol that is used in 3rd world countries where due to a variety of circumstances this health problem is more prevalent than in more industrialized and developed countries.
    I didn't assume that most people with systemic candidiasis don't get treated. Where did you read that in my comment?

    You describe a very serious illness, that is real but rare. Your 'hard core' meds were antimicrobials. Although the dr didn't discuss the potential consequences with you, it doesn't mean that they didn't exist.

    However, some of the information you posted is not real eg. 'leaky gut syndrome', that oxygen helps kill germs and bacteria (some bacteria are aerobes and thrive on oxygen) and viruses (simply incorrect), the special foods that candida demands (nonsense) etc. It all smells of CAM practitioner.
    Stop ruining the fairy tale with your facts.
  • Charlottesometimes23

    Systemic Candidiasis is certainly real but it's a life-threatening condition that usually leads to death unless people are treated with antimicrobials.

    That is not true, because it is foolish to assume that most people don't get treated when they have systemic candidiasis. Most people do get treated. I had a case of systemic candida was bedridden, at times on a feeding tube, took several really hardcore meds ( Diflucan/Fluconazole and Anidulafungin IV and by mouth and another one of which I don't remember the name) but got better and am now fine avoiding certain foods and taking a course of Diflucan every 90 days for two years. At no point did my doctors say that I was in danger of dying . I was however really ill for several weeks.
    The article was sent to me by the Medical Center of the University of Maryland which has in 2009 ( after supposedly the new guidelines for treatment of fungal diseases came out in the US) developed a Systemic Candidiasis protocol that is used in 3rd world countries where due to a variety of circumstances this health problem is more prevalent than in more industrialized and developed countries.
    I didn't assume that most people with systemic candidiasis don't get treated. Where did you read that in my comment?

    You describe a very serious illness, that is real but rare. Your 'hard core' meds were antimicrobials. Although the dr didn't discuss the potential consequences with you, it doesn't mean that they didn't exist.

    However, some of the information you posted is not real eg. 'leaky gut syndrome', that oxygen helps kill germs and bacteria (some bacteria are aerobes and thrive on oxygen) and viruses (simply incorrect), the special foods that candida demands (nonsense) etc. It all smells of CAM practitioner.
    Stop ruining the fairy tale with your facts.

    Hmm, and then I go to the University of Maryland Medical Centre website and read what they REALLY say about candidiasis and it's actually quite reasonable, with plenty of caveats regarding their CAM discussion.
  • Twinettaj
    Twinettaj Posts: 1
    Hello there.....I have the same problem with candida and I was wondering if you could email me and share the the diet that your naturopath shared with you! I really need help!!! I'll wait for your response! Thanks in advance! ;-)
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    So lets get this right, this candida feeds on sugar as I said. Lets get real here, how much sugar do they consume? It's not like they will consume 2lbs of sugar causing you not to lose weight. They burn off some of the sugar moving around. They use energy just like we do. So only partial amount of the sugar they eat gets excremented as waste.

    We're talking about grams of sugar or less, I highly doubt they eat "pounds" of it. You lose pounds of weight, not grams. If you're not losing don't blame candida. Just another excuse.

    Another thing to think about, what dos sugar have to do with fat? As I said before if the candida ate all this sugar, you will oxidize more fat cause you don't have the sugar to burn. Which obviously isn't true.

    Stop finding excuses, hit the gym and eat right. I bet you a million to one that book makes you eat less calories than you burn.

    It sounds to me like they're saying that if you have candida in your system, it eats the sugar and then creates some magic energy that you didn't have, so that somehow it releases into your system MORE ENERGY than you put in your system to start with. Thus turning 1200 cals ingested into the equivalent of 2200 cals or similar. This is earth-shattering.

    If only all the energy companies knew, they would feed their energy stores to candida and power the nation. You could have an automobile, infest it with candida and watch it turn the fuel you put in the tank into twice its original go-power! Hitherto nothing was capable of creating energy, all the laws of physics depended upon it, but this fungus challenges our silly outdated ideas about first laws of thermodynamics.

    this is earthshattering, groundbreaking science. it could theoretically end starvation in the third world.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    So lets get this right, this candida feeds on sugar as I said. Lets get real here, how much sugar do they consume? It's not like they will consume 2lbs of sugar causing you not to lose weight. They burn off some of the sugar moving around. They use energy just like we do. So only partial amount of the sugar they eat gets excremented as waste.

    We're talking about grams of sugar or less, I highly doubt they eat "pounds" of it. You lose pounds of weight, not grams. If you're not losing don't blame candida. Just another excuse.

    Another thing to think about, what dos sugar have to do with fat? As I said before if the candida ate all this sugar, you will oxidize more fat cause you don't have the sugar to burn. Which obviously isn't true.

    Stop finding excuses, hit the gym and eat right. I bet you a million to one that book makes you eat less calories than you burn.

    It sounds to me like they're saying that if you have candida in your system, it eats the sugar and then creates some magic energy that you didn't have, so that somehow it releases into your system MORE ENERGY than you put in your system to start with. Thus turning 1200 cals ingested into the equivalent of 2200 cals or similar. This is earth-shattering.

    If only all the energy companies knew, they would feed their energy stores to candida and power the nation. You could have an automobile, infest it with candida and watch it turn the fuel you put in the tank into twice its original go-power! Hitherto nothing was capable of creating energy, all the laws of physics depended upon it, but this fungus challenges our silly outdated ideas about first laws of thermodynamics.

    this is earthshattering, groundbreaking science. it could theoretically end starvation in the third world.

    If by some magical miracle the candida were to ingest the sugar.. Wouldn't the waste product be moonshine? ..or do we need the corn meal?
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I don't agree it's made up. I'm suffering from Candida and didn't realize it. They have a quiz to take and I scored pretty high.

    I've been depressed, fatigued, skin rashes on and off, my eyes infected and the doc can't figure out why. I've been on a detox program and notice symptoms are easing off a bit. My eye finally stopped running constantly and the skin is healing.

    The rectal itching is non stop, certain foods make it worse certain foods make it better. All they've done is give me creams and it's only relieved the itching temporarily. It's not a permanent fix. I noticed within the first week quite a few symptoms are slowly fading and my weight has dropped like a rock. I'm not starving myself and I'm making sure I'm getting the right amount of calories or at least getting above 1200

    For a while all I craved was food from all the bad fast food restaurants. Every attempt of trying to get back on track failed. It started four years ago. The scary part of this is I was on the right track when the yeast infection symptoms went full blown on me. Try to figure that one out. I was 50 pounds lighter and was on the right track when the whole thing started on me. It's only taken me this long to put the pieces together and after a lot of research.