I'm new here

Hello! I'm new here, and I'm in desperate need of help! I lost weight 7 years ago and I've kept it off until this last year and I've gained IT ALL BACK. I guess a lot of it was due to stress. I'm ready to lose the weight. I have 30 pounds to lose! I know they say fast weight loss isn't healthy, but has anyone lost 20 pounds in one month? My goal is to intake 1200 calories a day and burn 1200. Has anyone burned all the calories they've consumed? And if so, how much were you able to lose? thank you!


  • i am new here too i want to eat healthier so thats why i joined my favorite food are pickles wich, yes i know is very fattening. i love dogs and i am into ghost whisper. :glasses:
  • nwfern
    nwfern Posts: 1
    Hi there 86.....,
    Alarm bells ring when I think of you trying to lose so much so quickly. Trust that the weight will come off, but you need to adopt a sensible eating plan, exercise and address the underlying reasons why you gained the weight in the first place. I suspect that you will feel miserable if you try to do what you describe. 30lbs is very little to lose....and if you approach this from the standpoint of a lifestyle change for a lifetime, I would bet you will be very successful. Remember that your body is your temple....treat it well and you will live long and healthily into your twilight years. How do I know this? At 62 I am doing P90X..... and even I can do this....and it is fun most of the time.
    Take care.....