Okay soooo I'm a huge picky eater that goes through phases. My phase right now? I can't stand chicken. Unless its something unhealthy like fried chicken or chicken nuggets. In any case this is what my diet consists of.

Greek yogurt
Protein shake
OJ (with protein skake)
String cheese
Beef jerky

That's...pretty much it. I drink water. Sometimes I'll throw in something that I get from work like their breaded fish. But it's frozen from a box and not as healthy as eating fresh baked fish. I thought about eating other fish, but I'm just like...not interested. I seriously only want to eat shrimp. I literally can't eat chicken anymore. I'm going to see about eating 93% lean ground beef, but I was trying to stay away from red meat and I don't enjoy pork. I hardly eat any breads or pastas. It's extremely rare. Sometimes I will have rice.

I just idk. I don't know how long this phase will last that the only things that are appetizing for me is what's on that list. But I'm not eating enough. I do lack in appetite in general but I try to hit 1200 calories, but it's hard when you don't enjoy a lot of foods. I think I'll start incorporating more veggies. I have been slacking in that department. But I just...idk what other healthy snacks I could eat. I also work night shifts sooo that doesn't help. I used to eat laughing cow cheese...and I can't anymore. Idk what else to do or try.


  • tntgal2
    tntgal2 Posts: 26
    What about turkey? Deli turkey slices wrapped around grilled asparagus? Lo-cal but healthy. Or high fiber bread topped with sliced turkey and a fresh Waldorf type salad (mix shredded apples and celery with a smidgen of mayo and squirt of lemon). It takes about 75 minutes to roast a 2.75 lb turkey breast and then besides the sliced meat you could make soup loaded with veggies from the bones and leftover meat.

    Try a bowl of soup with your meals if you're worried you're undereating - tske a squash soup and add in some other veggies and just a sprinkle of cheese.

    If you like veggies how about a veggie omelet? Or bake a sweet potato and top it with a mix of veggies and black beans, plus a bit of cheese.
  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    What about turkey? Deli turkey slices wrapped around grilled asparagus? Lo-cal but healthy. Or high fiber bread topped with sliced turkey and a fresh Waldorf type salad (mix shredded apples and celery with a smidgen of mayo and squirt of lemon). It takes about 75 minutes to roast a 2.75 lb turkey breast and then besides the sliced meat you could make soup loaded with veggies from the bones and leftover meat.

    Try a bowl of soup with your meals if you're worried you're undereating - tske a squash soup and add in some other veggies and just a sprinkle of cheese.

    If you like veggies how about a veggie omelet? Or bake a sweet potato and top it with a mix of veggies and black beans, plus a bit of cheese.

    Also ground turkey. Much healthier than beef.

    or eggs
    nut butters
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member

    Greek yogurt
    Protein shake
    OJ (with protein skake)
    String cheese
    Beef jerky
    laughing cow cheese...and I can't anymore. Idk what else to do or try.

    what fruits and vegetables?
  • Kagami_Taiga
    Kagami_Taiga Posts: 124 Member
    edit: last comment too harsh
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i dont understand what the problem is? if you only want to eat certain food then just eat those foods, if you want to eat more things then stop being picky.

    you're making this harder than it needs to be. you dont need to reinvent the wheel, just eat.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    What's wrong with this list? If this is what you like to eat you can build a solid foundation out of this. Stop making excuses and start making progress.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I do the same thing. One week I can't get enough chicken and the next week the texture of it will make me gag. Last week I was on a major cauliflower kick and today it tasted awful.

    Just eat what you like that's a healthy balance of lean proteins, healthy carbs, and good fats and don't worry so much about where it comes from. Next week or next month new stuff will be on your list and some old stuff will drop off.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member

    Greek yogurt
    Protein shake
    OJ (with protein skake)
    String cheese
    Beef jerky
    laughing cow cheese...and I can't anymore. Idk what else to do or try.

    what fruits and vegetables?

    I am so sorry it's taken me so long to respond to this. I work night shifts and I've been so exhausted lately.

    The fruits I eat are as follows: bananas, grapes, watermelon and raspberries.

    Those are the ones I enjoy the most. I do eat apples and oranges because my work provides them, but not that often.

    The vegetables I eat are as follows: broccoli, pea and corn sometimes cauliflower

    My favorite vegetables are summer squash and asparagus, however I am also on a budget and all these fresh fruits and veggies can be a little expensive. I've been eating steamed frozen veggies lately too.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    I do the same thing. One week I can't get enough chicken and the next week the texture of it will make me gag. Last week I was on a major cauliflower kick and today it tasted awful.

    Just eat what you like that's a healthy balance of lean proteins, healthy carbs, and good fats and don't worry so much about where it comes from. Next week or next month new stuff will be on your list and some old stuff will drop off.

    Thank you and you're so right. I will probably end up eating it again at some point.

    Great job on your weight loss!! :)
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    What's wrong with this list? If this is what you like to eat you can build a solid foundation out of this. Stop making excuses and start making progress.

    I appreciate the brashness. I've lost 66 pounds :) So I am making progress. I just don't post my stamp. Thanks :)
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    i dont understand what the problem is? if you only want to eat certain food then just eat those foods, if you want to eat more things then stop being picky.

    you're making this harder than it needs to be. you don't need to reinvent the wheel, just eat.

    There isn't a problem with what I eat. That wasn't the point of my post. My post is for ideas of other healthy snacks I could eat or try. Or ideas people had or suggestions on types of food that people like to make or different ways to prepare things.Things that I could add to my diet other than what I have been eating. Haha...wow. I am a very simple, clean eater, with a rather low appetite. I want to reach my calorie goals. I want to be healthy. I can't help that I am picky. I want to ENJOY my food. I can't pick my taste buds and I am not going to force food down my throat just because.
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    What about turkey? Deli turkey slices wrapped around grilled asparagus? Lo-cal but healthy. Or high fiber bread topped with sliced turkey and a fresh Waldorf type salad (mix shredded apples and celery with a smidgen of mayo and squirt of lemon). It takes about 75 minutes to roast a 2.75 lb turkey breast and then besides the sliced meat you could make soup loaded with veggies from the bones and leftover meat.

    Try a bowl of soup with your meals if you're worried you're undereating - tske a squash soup and add in some other veggies and just a sprinkle of cheese.

    If you like veggies how about a veggie omelet? Or bake a sweet potato and top it with a mix of veggies and black beans, plus a bit of cheese.

    Also ground turkey. Much healthier than beef.

    or eggs
    nut butters

    I am glad that you said eggs because I have just decided to return eggs to my diet. I stopped because they weren't making me feel very well...I don't want to go into detail, but I think that I am ready to eat them again. I definterly enjoy eggs. Ground turkey I don't so much enjoy. Like I said, I rather enjoy my food. If the 93% lean ground beef doesn't work out, I will do without it and possibly just do ground turkey. THANK YOU :) And thank you for being POSITIVE. Geez, hard to get some positivity around here huh?
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    edit: last comment too harsh

    Yeah...I was thinking "what happened to be positive and supportive?" Isn't this what this site is about?
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    What about turkey? Deli turkey slices wrapped around grilled asparagus? Lo-cal but healthy. Or high fiber bread topped with sliced turkey and a fresh Waldorf type salad (mix shredded apples and celery with a smidgen of mayo and squirt of lemon). It takes about 75 minutes to roast a 2.75 lb turkey breast and then besides the sliced meat you could make soup loaded with veggies from the bones and leftover meat.

    Try a bowl of soup with your meals if you're worried you're undereating - tske a squash soup and add in some other veggies and just a sprinkle of cheese.

    If you like veggies how about a veggie omelet? Or bake a sweet potato and top it with a mix of veggies and black beans, plus a bit of cheese.

    THAT is a perfect idea. I didn't think about buying turkey and then using the rest for soup. Your SOUP idea is great because I LOVE soup. I just have a really really low sodium diet, so I guess I just...never considered it. But I can adjust and make a soup nice, healthy and, hopefully delicious and low in sodium as well. I don't like omelets because for some reason I don't like my eggs cooked that way. I prefer them boiled or over easy. Also, I HATE sweet potatoes. I just...can't do them. I had one person suggest that I add beans to my diet. I try to stay away from processed foods, but beans aren't my favorite...but I do enjoy baked beans. I wonder how that would pan out...Thank you sooo much for your ideas! They were so good and helpful!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Browse people's diaries, you'll find various ideas.

    From mine - chocolate, figs, apricots, cheese, and petit suisse, if you can get them in your locale.
    Try spices to tease flavors.