Why do I not want breakfast???!



  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I was watching Biggest Loser this week and a mom-son team went to face Jillian and their eating habits. They said that they didn't eat all day until 2-3 pm b/c they weren't hungry, but then they would gorge themselves when they would finally eat. It clearly wasn't working for them to just eat one meal a day, so I definitely think this makes a great point about spacing out your meals. Even though they were only eating one meal, it was horrible and led to them being obese and unhealthy. I am actually hungrier more now than I was when I was overweight. My body needs food for fuel, and it needs it often. So eat that breakfast :wink:
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    It is possible you aren't hungry because your metabolism is too slow. You should eat at least 200-300 cal for breakfast, even if you aren't hungry. Otherwise your sluggish sleep time metabolism will drag on through the day and you are more likely to binge with the calories you've "saved up". It's best to space your meals out fairly evenly. Eventually you will start to wake up hungry.
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    i dont know the "right" answer - but I can tell you that I was always a breakfast eater then the past 2-3 years i stopped. My kids always came first and by the time I sat down to eat I had been up for hours. Over the past 2-3 years I gained almost all of my weight. I started to eat breakfast about 8 months ago - forced myself to sit down with the kids and eat breakfast...and I dont know why or if it is even why but I started to lose weight (not a huge amount mind you as I was still having other bad habits) but with changing nothing except eating breakfast I started to lose weight.
    Thats my experience - I always eat breakfast now!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,125 Member
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's not just a TV spot. :noway:

    "Break. Fast" :smile:
  • sallymurph
    sallymurph Posts: 56 Member
    Your body will not start to burn calories efficiently until you "break the fast", hence breakfast. Your body goes into fasting mode during the night. You should eat something first thing to get your furnace going. That is why we refer to it as the most important meal of the day.
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    I also dislike eating breakfast, a banana usually does the trick though :)