Do I Need to Wrap? (Heavy Bag)

During the summer I was doing mainly strength training and saw more results than I had in the previous months. Then I got back to school and did more cardio (DUMB IDEA)...

I'm getting back on track with strength training, and I'm thinking about picking up a beginner heavy bag workout. I already have training gloves, but I wasn't sure if I needed to buy the wrap for my wrists and knuckles, because the trainers already have supports built into the gloves. Does anyone know if the wrists/knuckles NEED to be wrapped before using the bag (standing btw, not swinging/hanging). And if so...HOW do I wrap them?

(I have once again been reduced to noob status. Who says working out get boring? :laugh: )


  • commandax
    commandax Posts: 38 Member
    I would recommend wrapping. Your knuckles can take a beating even inside the gloves and your wrists will appreciate the extra support. Not sure what sort of boxing you're planning to do, but this video shows more or less how we wrap at my muay thai gym, using 180" mexican-style handwraps, which have a bit of stretch to them. There are lots of different ways to wrap, but this works well for me. Just make sure not to wrap too tight!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Sorry I'm so late, but thank you for responding! I had to order them online, but your recommendation was so helpful!