Toning knees??


I have never had a good image of my legs as they are chunky in comparison to my height (5ft 0)
My biggest trouble area are my knees they are really fatty, I've hopefully!! Been able to add a pic to show what I can I slim them down? I tried running for 9 mths and ran a 10k at the end but felt it bulked my legs more.

Please can someone offer me a ray of light that this is changeable


Thank you so much


  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    could be swollen from some sort of joint damage,
    you could ask your doctor
    are they sore too??
    running on pavements can do this.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    you cant spot reduce fat. but you should try weight lifting as lifting weights will help change the composition of your body so that you have less body fat. besides that your knee is primarily a joint, what exactly would you tone?

    also i dont understand when you say you felt it bulked you up more? did you take measurements before and after? tape measurer and visual cues are a more reliable way to record body changes rather than feelings
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    BUMP I've got that too and HATE IT. Was hoping it would go away with fat loss :grumble:
  • Hi,
    No def no joint injury I've always had chunky knees, love your vw profile pic!! Made me smile.

    Yes they actually bulked up, not much just an inch but my thighs at smallest were 23" and went to 24" and although it made my calves firmer they also went up slightly but nothing changes knees

    I will try weights though, thank you so much
  • 1969ned
    1969ned Posts: 219
    my knees are similar to yours - i have some damage to them - but i find running does slim the legs down rather than bulk them up, also swimming helped me. mine always will be a bit out of shape - i've just learnt to live with it unfortunately :grumble:
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    mine are same way, and have always been. no injuries. i look at my childhood pics and they're there, too, at the age of 11 when i was not at all a fat kid. but of course they looked better ) and i hope they will do once again when the overall fat goes down. just have to accept they probably won't be really lean.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    For what it's worth, your knees don't look fat to me. Remember, muscles cross the knees, so you will see more than just bone. The calf muscles reach around the knee and attach to the femur on both sides, and the thigh muscles reach down and attach to the tibia and fibula - so there is going to be some meat on the inside and outside of your knee. Since the ability to bend the knee is rather important, it's best not to despise those muscles, even if they bulge out more than others. You can strengthen/tighten "tone" them, but they will hopefully always be there.

    On the other hand, you CAN tone that, especially the inner muscles. I am a massage therapist who carries my table a lot. The one knee looks trimmer (and is definitely a bit thinner) and the one hip/side lost the love handle - which was always smaller than the other side's love handle - a lot sooner when I lost weight. They say you can't spot reduce, but exercise/weight lifting really does change our physiques. I'm trying hard to work more evenly, but for some reason I can NOT carry the massage table very far with my left arm and hand. If I want to get there all in one piece, I have to grab it with the right. I guess I should come home and lift weights with only my left side, or something!
  • Thank you all for your replys! seems weights are the way to go, that and accepting them maybe :)