18 years old and Graves' Disease

Im an 18 year old young woman, Im a sophomore at The Ohio State University and yesterday I was diagnosed with Graves. It's and autoimmune disorder that causes hypERthyroidism and affects the pitituritay gland.

Im studying operations and productions management and spanish.

Last month i could work out for 2 hours and feel like a mf;in beast!!! Lately, I can barely walk around campus and go to work without feeling like im going to pass out somewhere.

I was born almost 4 months early; so I had barely developed lungs and kidney's but other than that I was fine. I was released from the hospital when I was 4 months old and after that had a spinal tap; and went to speech therapy when I was in 4-5th grade.

Always healthy, always had all A's, got into some trouble but a pretty good kid

So. Year of HS i was 14 and 240 pounds. Effin ridiculous. I have insulin resistance because my mom had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with me but still; thats ridiculous.

I decided enough was enough and got down to 180. I did the last ten by ****ing up my metabolism because I wasnt hungry-so I wasnt eating.

Fast forward to boyfriend, prom, sr year and college, put 15 pounds back on and in May decided to get back into it.

And today I slept for 10 hours and im still sleepy. I have medical leave for this week so no class, but i still go to work. And this graves disease thing pisses me off. Im 177 pounds-27 to go until my first UGW. And sick as hell. But when I was 240 pounds i was fine, just morbidly obese, thats exactly what the doc said

Thanks for reading.

{/rant over}