How do you avoid temptation?



  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    We have exactly the same situation here, in fact our office actually has food lying around on top of a fling cabinet all the time, as I type this there is a box of scottish butter shortbreads waving back at me from 10 yards away, but when this happens then I force myself to think that I want to spend as much time as I can with my loved ones and hopefully by losing weight I'll lengthen my lifespan, when I think like that then it's no contest, and I go make a coffee or drink some water to bloat me out.

    They also do things here for charity and it is nearly always food orientated, the one last Thursday was a 'Big Breakfast' day where everyone brought in breakfast foods, pancakes and other goodies and then paid in to the charity to have some, I just avoided going into the room where all the food was until later in the day when it had all gone and then went and paid my donation without actually being able to eat any and stuck to the food I had brought for lunch.

    It is difficult, but just keep thinking of the prize and not the work to get there, and you will get there....:wink:

    As far as the scotch short bread I am with ya I cannot say no ,so I looked it up after i made some in 2 round cake pans pressed it out almost like a cookie) to take to work. a 2"x2" isn't as bad as you think. I ended up with 2"x1" square and its 120 cal. The fat content is the biggest thing because of the butter, the sugar isn't as bad. its the carbs in the flour. but I can use whole wheat.. I find them a great snack occasionally.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've slowly become very picky about my treats. I've wasted way too many calories in the past on stuff that I ate just because it was sweet and fulfilled my cravings at the time. As my dear departed step-Dad used to say, I'd eat **** if it had sugar on it! LOL But as time has passed and I've had to put a lot of work in at the gym to earn some extra calories, I've become a bit more of a food snob. Like, is it really "worth" my time and energy to eat that? Sometimes it is, most of the time it isn't...especially since I know the sugar high is just going to leave me feeling like crapola later. Better to pack healthy snacks and stay the hell away from the company food! Don't get me wrong, I love my treats, but like most conflicts, you have to learn to pick your battles.

    Plus, I heard someone sneezed on them. :)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I remind myself of one of the reasons why I want to get back into shape: I look at pictures of women I find to be very beautiful.

    In my current state, I feel too uncomfortable to kick my flirting back into high gear (though I have started again). By seeing the pictures, it reminds me that I'm doing this for myself, so I can be comfortable to get back into a relationship I can be comfortable in.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    We have treats at work from time to time. I usually let myself indulge, especially if it's ice cream or cookies. I nearly always give myself 200-300 "play/fun-food" calories each day - some nights I don't eat any fun food, so it balances itself out. I am trying to lose my weight slowly and to make my exercise a regular part of my life. So I don't stress out on stuff like this, just go with the flow and plan for the fact that life throws out curve balls from time to time.
  • Britt_Duffy
    Britt_Duffy Posts: 40 Member
    Keep something special in your desk for those moments of weakness! I find that a skinny cow chocolate bar is THE BEST! Totally helps to kick that sugar craving!
  • GBOGH_5
    GBOGH_5 Posts: 174 Member
    When I know that there is going to be stuff like that around, I bring something for myself that I like but that will not destroy my day. For instance, we have a huge bucket of Halloween candy at the front desk right now. It's all chocolates and candy bars. In my desk until Nov. 1st, I have a small bag of Jolly Rancher Cinnamon Fire candy. That way when I am tempted to go have a candy bar, I put one of those pieces of low calorie candies in my mouth that lasts forever. They are like 23 calories each and last an eternity. Saves me from grabbing a couple packages of M&Ms!
  • WhatDoesLisa
    I am actually pretty disciplined at work. But after work, I am my own worst enemy.

    i work for a huge company and we are not allowed to order food for meetings, birthdays, etc. It's due to budgetary constraints but it is actually a good thing for everyone. Come and work here!
    I stuff my face.................... :angry: