Busting the belly fat myth #2

Recap! I'm a 46 year old woman determined to have a flat belly! I refuse to believe that age/hormones can prevent me from achieving this!

I have lost 60lbs over the last year and working on the last (however many it takes) to reduce the fat left in the middle! I am using green tea and coconut butter, Visalus metabawake fat burners and doing the Insanity workouts!

I'm starting to see my obliques now and it is working!

Tracking with weekly photos!

Join me? Add me as a friend and let's blast the belly away!



  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    My belly is my biggest problem among others. I am also 46 years old. Currently, I am walking and using the elliptical at least three times a week for an hour. My weight loss is very slow. Can you tell me what is Visalus metabawake fat burners are? Does it really work?
  • Way to go Carolyn! I too can see my abs trying to poke through! I'm with you girl :)
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I'm trying not to promote product on here but yes, for me, they absolutely do work and they don't make you jittery or keep you awake. I see abs too! I'm really pushing this for the next few weeks...I've been focusing on it for a month and absolutely see a huge difference..I have some definition along my obliques and also my abs are hard as rocks but not visible due to belly fat..I'm done with that!

    Time to melt it away and reveal my bikini bod!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    oops..forgot...just measured and I'm down an inch on my waist!
  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    I hope that you acheive this becasue many people think it is impossible...I it will be a while before I start thinking about a flat belly. I do ab workouts and everything but I know the fat will melt wherever it will. Once I lose more weight I will think more about that....I have hope that I can lose my weight slowly, strenght train and not have to worry about lose skin and the like and have a beautiful flat tummy.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Yes I agree..it's about body fat. I'm pretty sure, with all the ab work I've been doing that if I lose the layer of fat over them, I have quite a nice flat belly..lol...so I'm working on the "melt"

    It's working too...I have been taking pics for a month...and see subtle but definite changes...
    I don't like to weigh..and count on pics for everything

    I do not believe it is impossible...I think we pretend it is so we don't have to do the work...other than absolute damage to skin tissue or muscle tissue but for many it's about melting all the fat..and fat CAN be melted away!!!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
  • jesindc
    jesindc Posts: 724 Member
    I hear ya sister. I've never had a flat belly. Okay, that's not true, but I haven't had a flat belly since I was 16. And it's not that I was fat or heavy, I just really never worked at achieving strong ab muscles even when I was really skinny. Now, after 2 kids, even though I've gotten pretty fit, I still have this baby belly. Blch, and I'm feeling more motivated than ever to finally get a flat belly (or as close as I can possibly get to a flat belly). My doctor is also pushing me to strengthen my abs to support my spine. I'm actually starting to see a little definition from the belly button up and on my side obliques, but from the belly button down it is a big mess.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I am finding that plank work is the key..I'm doing ZERO crunches. It strengthens the core and it develops the interior ab muscles(that's what I'm told..not a pt) and of course, lowering the body fat percentage. I'm working on both and I feel I've got the ab thing rockin'..it's all about the fat and my lower belly is definitely not coming along as quickly as the upper...but...with time...it'll be so firm and flat...I KNOW it will!
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm 46 years old too - and man I've got that belly fat even though I'm only 116 lbs! UGH .. I feel like a shapeless trunk from shoulder to hips .. LOL

    And yes .. it IS possible to lose that fat over 40 .. check out this 72 or 73 year old grandma - she's a body builder even!

    She is my inspiration to a beautiful body. I do not intend to be a serious body builder - however, I'm convinced I can have a flat belly! She inspired me to quit smoking (which I did Aug 17) and to just focus on re-shaping my body to something a little more attractive!!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Thank you Kat! Very inspiring indeed!

    I agree...I've decided to be in incredible shape for ALL of my life...starting now! Ok..started a year ago but now I see that I'm close to it!

    I injured my shoulder so 3 days off workouts..now I'm back to it.

    Wish me luck!