Petites - what is your calorie goal each day?



  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I'm 5'1" and eat between 1250 and 1350 calories a day, on average, even when exercising. If I'm really active I'll eat back more calories; have had weeks where I've been up around 1450 or 1500. Staying between 1250 and 1350 I'm losing, slowly. Started here around 135, went up to 137, then bounced around a bit - finally settled down. At 129 plus change right now; goal weight is around 110.

    I am 5'1" and this ^^^^ is about what I eat to maintain at 120lbs and 11% body fat (I have a high lean body mass which includes heavy bones (not big, high density) and some muscle due to over 30 years of lifting heavy. I'm not big, but my muscles look big in my pictures because I am pretty lean. My RMR is only 1380, so 1200 -1500, with some higher days right now on vacation, then I will have to eat on the lower end (1200 or so) for a bit when I get back home.

    I had to eat lower than 1000 calories or at 1000 in order to lose weight (under my doctors care). My doctor said it was fine and we did blood work throughout the entire weight loss journey and while I have been maintaining for over a year now and my electrolytes and hormones are fine (for a 51 year old woman). It was hard. I went to bed hungry. It still took two years to lose 60 lbs. I've never had emotional eating and I seem to have a tremendous ability for discipline so it worked for me. I think it's just too hard for most people to eat this low, but I know for a fact it did not hurt me and most who see me are amazed at the shape I am in for my age. I am a Sheriff Deputy and the guys in my department have tremendous respect for me now and are inspired by me to "not let themselves go as they get older". It feels good to be an example to others in my real life. It's nice because they know me and know I'm genuine, unlike people online who have no way of knowing that about me and are suspicious and mean. But I am new to online forums and this particular forum seems especially rude at times. I'm learning to realize my success will be hated by many and that's okay, I am living my dream and helping and inspiring others and it feels good.
    With all due respect, this poster is 51 years old and likely post menopause. I really would hope that younger women do not think eating this little is safe for them.
  • KabbyGU
    KabbyGU Posts: 158 Member
    I'm 4'11 and my calorie goal is set to 1200 and I usually eat back most of my exercise calories. I lose 1-2lbs a week when I'm strict. Sometimes I up my calories to 1300/1400 if I'm especially hungry or feel I need to. I haven't gained since joining two months ago. I have lost nearly 15lbs in that time.

    Edit: I try to get at least 30minutes of moderate activity in 6-7 times a week.
  • KabbyGU
    KabbyGU Posts: 158 Member
    It's not ur height u should be basing your caloric intake on, it's ur weight & physical activity. The more u weigh (no matter what height u r) the more u burn, the more u need to eat. If ur really active, u also need to eat more.

    ^this! Calories should be based on weight and activity levels, not height. It's nice to see what others are doing, but height doesn't affect your metabolic rate, activity level or any of that. It is simply calories in vs calories out and what works for your body specifically! :) hope you find what works for YOU!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    5' 2", I maintain at 1930-ish gross (not net) calories and lose at 1510-ish gross calories. I'm trying to lose, and I am alternating between 1620 cals (on strength training days) and 1400 cals. Not included in the average is my weekly splurge day, on which I consume about 1900-1950 calories. It's working.

    The reason I go by gross calories over net is because I do regular strength training, and it's hard to get a calorie burn measurement for that. If I do a LOT of cardio, I'll eat more calories accordingly... but that doesn't happen unless I go hiking or something. I usually don't burn any more than 150 calories per day, through cardio.

    If I were to stop strength training, I'd probably maintain at 1550 calories.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    It's not ur height u should be basing your caloric intake on, it's ur weight & physical activity. The more u weigh (no matter what height u r) the more u burn, the more u need to eat. If ur really active, u also need to eat more.

    ^this! Calories should be based on weight and activity levels, not height. It's nice to see what others are doing, but height doesn't affect your metabolic rate, activity level or any of that. It is simply calories in vs calories out and what works for your body specifically! :) hope you find what works for YOU!
    The reason height is being taken into account is that it's a significant factor in estimating your lean body mass. LBM is a bigger factor than total body mass when it comes to estimating BMR.