Mental Picture v. Actual Picture



  • crazybeautifulkittie
    We had a 60th birthday party for my parents 10 days ago, as my mom turned 60 in mid-September and my stepfather is turning 60 next week. My sister and I wanted to surprise them with a photographer, since we've never had a family photo with both of our parents and all five of us (my sister and I, two stepsisters and a stepbrother). We got a "sneak peek" of photos on Facebook yesterday and I'm really disappointed in how I look. I thought I'd look as thin as I feel and I don' fact, I don't feel like I look that much thinner than I did 22.2 lbs ago, which I know IS NOT true.

    I know that my perception of how I look can be pretty screwy.... How do I (you, us) handle it when the photos don't look the same as the girl in the mirror does? I am confident when it comes to the mirror and being "inside my head," but photos throw me for a loop every time.

    Hey pretty lady, alot of what people perceive you as is how you act. So just put on that sexy lil black dress (and some spanx if it helps you feel better) and walk like everyone is jealous. The camera is great at capturing funny angle. And we are out own biggest critic. We see a HUGE roll of belly flat, and meanwhile everyone else is trying hard not to stare at our great legs.