Newbie hoping to change

Hi all!

I am new here and I am hoping this site will have a positive effect on my. I can not seem to break my bad habits of eating badly and not exercising. Now I do have a bit of an excuse - I have a bad back from an injury I sustained at work almost 5 years ago. So I am really limited in my activity. But regardless, I find myself constantly saying "OK gotta lose weight, time to get this show on the road" and then I turn around and grab a snack. It's almost like subconsciously I sabotage myself. I hate being overweight. It's embarrassing really. Especially going to fuctions or even to my sons school cuz you know exactly what people are thinking. I do realize that I am the only one who can change it but at the same time it's easier to not change. I guess what I am looking for on here is some motivation/inspiration and boy I see lots of it. There are so many fantastic weight loss success stories/pictures on here. So, I think I have found what I need here. Let's hope anyway. Hopefully a friendly smiley or a kind word now and then will give me more focus to make this positive change in my life. Wish me luck!


  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I ripped out half my knee when I was a teenager. Going a good 40mph on my cycle and dsicovered I had no brakes as I was approaching a blind crossroads. So I crashed myself, tore my knee up VERY badly, and saved my life because would you know it, there was a car coming. But I've had chronic pain ever since, to the point where I lay in agony, crying unable to move, doped up on painkillers pressing a heat pad into my leg wishing for it to either stop or kill me. Why am I telling you this? Because although it is a genuine problem, it is not an excuse unless you let it be. Sure it will restrict you as to what you can do and when you can do it, but using it as an excuse should no longer be an option. Do as much as you can as often as you can. Can do vs cannot do. Focus on what you can do rather than what you cannot.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    But I've had chronic pain ever since, to the point where I lay in agony, crying unable to move, doped up on painkillers pressing a heat pad into my leg wishing for it to either stop or kill me.

    Yikes. I would consider amputation.
  • mathera26
    mathera26 Posts: 90 Member
    If you have made the decision to remake yourself, then you have made the first step. Every day, every time you doubt, every time you want to reach for a snack think to yourself- "Do I want to start all over? Or keep going, I've already started!" Every grumble of your tummy, every time you drag yourself to a workout, EVERY TIME you take even 5 minutes to devote to YOURSELF, you are making progress. Don't give up!!!
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    Would it be physically possible to simply walk every day? Making a point to walk even 1 mile every day would be something, and something is better than nothing. :)

    Yesterday I read this insight from the author of (accompanied with an image reading, "Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can"):

    "Do you think you are not fit enough to workout? Can you not afford a gym membership or to buy lots of fresh fruit and vegetables? These are not excuses to sit back and not do anything to improve your health if that is what you want to do. Like the picture says - start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can! If all you can manage is walking, then do that! Make small changes to your diet that you can afford and that will improve your health, like cutting out takeaway - that will save you money too and just do what YOU can, not what everyone else is doing. All we can do is what we can. But as far as exercise goes, there are workouts waiting to happen all around you - stairs, cans for weights, and running intervals are a great start. All you have to do is start!" --Hungry Healthy Happy
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    LOL not really. I'm used to the constant dull pain of it now and really bad flareups are usually triggered by weather changes. So you can usually feel them coming on and take action to prevent them or make them manageable. But truth be told, it's part of me. bad knees and all. Besides amputation runs the risk of that whole ghost limb thing where you get the chronic pain and it NEVER stops! I'm too much of a survivor to risk it. Flare-ups make me stronger anyway. Not often one to quote Nietzsche, but on this I stand right there with him. That which does not kill you only makes you stronger. You'd be quite surprised at my pain threshold these days :P
  • LOL not really. I'm used to the constant dull pain of it now and really bad flareups are usually triggered by weather changes. So you can usually feel them coming on and take action to prevent them or make them manageable. But truth be told, it's part of me. bad knees and all. Besides amputation runs the risk of that whole ghost limb thing where you get the chronic pain and it NEVER stops! I'm too much of a survivor to risk it. Flare-ups make me stronger anyway. Not often one to quote Nietzsche, but on this I stand right there with him. That which does not kill you only makes you stronger. You'd be quite surprised at my pain threshold these days :P

    Road cycling, or swimming. Those are low-impact sports that you can do for a long time. I am not talking about leisure beach cruiser cycling. Get a road bike. Find some asphalt. Get some padded shorts. You will find it exciting, and you will lose some weight. Swimming is also a great option. It is pretty much the best low impact cardio you can do!
  • Oh, and establish your profile. It is hard to motivate you if we dont know what motivates you. Put a picture up (of you!). Trust me, those things will help!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Hi all!

    I am new here and I am hoping this site will have a positive effect on my. I can not seem to break my bad habits of eating badly and not exercising. Now I do have a bit of an excuse - I have a bad back from an injury I sustained at work almost 5 years ago. So I am really limited in my activity. But regardless, I find myself constantly saying "OK gotta lose weight, time to get this show on the road" and then I turn around and grab a snack.

    I'm pretty sure every single person here has experienced that whether they have an injury or not. If you've committed to making a change, nomatter how big or small, the weight will come off. I find that after the first week, when I'm really enthusiastic, the initial loss fuels me to go another week, and so on.

    Good luck!!