Balance Your Short- and Long-Term Goals

I wanted to share this email I received from the ShareCare ( newsletter for today...

"Your fitness plan should have a balance of short- and long-term goals.

Your long-term goal probably involves something big -- whether it's getting in better shape, or losing weight, or getting back to your high-school size by this year's reunion. You've probably noticed that this type of change is gradual. It's difficult to stay motivated when the goal seems so far away! To keep your eyes on the prize, focus with short-term goals. Meeting these will help you achieve your long-term objective.

Today, review your fitness log and think about the small steps that will help you achieve your goal. Do you want to run a seven-minute mile? Schedule interval training a few times a week, mixed in with longer runs.

A long-term goal is essential for giving you a destination, but you won't make it without realistic and attainable goals along the way. Read more about the best way to achieve your long-term goals."

My short term goals are 1) To get to the next set of 10's in my W/L journey. I like to celebrate every 10 lbs I lose and it feels great when I get down to that next set of 10's. 2) To run an 8 min kilometer. I'm running about 9 min/km now so I would like to take one min off that.

My long-term goal is to get to my goal weight and be fit. I have not chosen an actual number just yet but the range I want to get to is 160-170 lbs. To me the meaning of being fit is to feel good and of course look good too!

What are your short and long-term goals?