First 10K this weekend and my hip hurts.

mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
edited January 1 in Fitness and Exercise
I got hip bursitis in the early fall last year. I have since recovered and have been running pretty consistently with no problems. Then last night, as I progressed with my training program in preparation for my very first 10K this weekend, my hip started to ache while running. I cut back the number of intervals and walked to cool down. I iced and took some ibuprofen last night but this morning, it hurt even more. I took some ibuprofen and scheduled to see my chiropractor. But do I still plan on doing the 10K? Do I just plan on walk/running my first one, to my disappointment? What has everyone done when facing this dilemma?


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Is it only one hip? Does it feel like your bursitis or something else?

    I personally would keep going. I had some hip issues that I worked through with some stretches a Dr gave me. Basically cured my issues in one visit!
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    Yep, just my right hip, the same one I had bursitis in last year. it does feel similar to what it felt like then, but it was way worse last year. There was obviously something wrong. This time, it could be mistaken for a pretty sore muscle, I think. But I won't know til I get to the chiro tomorrow. But what do i do til then?
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I'm trying to find the stretch online that my Dr gave me. My pain was at the top of the iliac crest - basically I was stressing the attachment of the muscle to the bone in that area.

    To try and describe, lay on your back, bring your foot up towards the middle of your body, with your knee kind of flat and out to the side (kind of a like a frog's leg). Then pull the knee to the upper outside to stretch that muscle. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds. See if that gives you any relief!
  • cldaugherty
    cldaugherty Posts: 28 Member
    This may sound ridiculus, but, how old are your shoes? How many miles do you have on them? This can change your gait while running and walking. If they are seasoned, I would not suggest getting new ones right before a big run, but soon thereafter.

    Have you tried BIOFREEZE or something similar? Have you tried alternating heat and ice, 20 on 20 off every three hours or so?

    I would still keep going being cognisant of your perceived injury and heed your body's warnings and slow down if need be. Last year I went forth with a 1/2 marathon with an injury. I had to run/walk it and was disappointed, but I still am able to say I completed it. Just food for thought.
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    That sounds like one I've been doing. And it does give me some relief but only while I'm holding the stretch. The pain is more into the hip socket, kind of to the outside of my right butt cheek. I'm afraid I'm gonna be out for this race! I'm hoping to hear otherwise.
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    I just got my runners this past spring but my custom orthotics I wear in them are almost a year old. I just scheduled an appt to replace them. I haven't yet used Biofreeze or the heat/cold therapy. I woke up with it how it is now. It wasn't this bad last night. I probably won't be able to do it until my son goes to bed tonight. Do you think it would be ok to go ahead and do upper body, or ride the stationary bike, or something today?
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