Zumba & Abs ?



  • swagner73
    swagner73 Posts: 43 Member
  • kjwillie
    kjwillie Posts: 106 Member
    Try a Kickboxing or Mixed Martial Arts class! They're awesome for tightening up the legs and abs! It will be really hard at first, but stick with it and you will get results.
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    Zumba is great for abs. First, it is an aerobic/cardiovascular exercise so you are torching calories and sweating like crazy(even I sweat, and no other workout, even the elliptical with hr 170's, has ever made me sweat. I'm a true southern Lady, I glisten, but don't sweat:wink: second, it does help with pulling everything in and reshaping the midsection. I started Zumba in earnest(3 classes or more) a month ago. I had already lost about 35-40 lbs, but thought my stomach looked worse, kind of baggy skin and soft, it looked worse than it did at my heaviest weight:grumble: Now, i can really see a difference. Its getting more toned and lost the mushy look that followed the first weight loss, and I'm burning more calories so dropping more lbs and its helping also. I still have a way to go to have a six-pack, but i bet under all the fat it will be there waiting to show itself when I reach my goal:happy: