How many calories do I really need to burn?

So I know to lose 1lb/week you need to burn 3500 cal (or 500 cal/day for 7 days). I know the whole goal is to burn more calories than you take in. My questions though is, is it different since you are already creating a calorie deficiency through dieting? If so how many calories do I need to burn to lose a pound? My goal is 2 lbs./week. My calorie count per day is 1200. I eat all of those calories and then usually gain back between 183 to 118 of those calories by doing cardio.


  • taylorblues
    taylorblues Posts: 49 Member
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    So I know to lose 1lb/week you need to burn 3500 cal (or 500 cal/day for 7 days). I know the whole goal is to burn more calories than you take in. My questions though is, is it different since you are already creating a calorie deficiency through dieting? If so how many calories do I need to burn to lose a pound? My goal is 2 lbs./week. My calorie count per day is 1200. I eat all of those calories and then usually gain back between 183 to 118 of those calories by doing cardio.

    You can lose weight through caloric deficit alone.

    Exercise should be though of in terms of improving fitness (the bonus being that you can increase your caloric deficit at the same time or get to eat more to keep your caloric deficit at 500 cal per day). Many people fixate on the number on the scale, the reality is that it is just one indicator of improved health. Aerobic exercise will help with controlling blood pressure & serum lipids thus reducing the likelihood of heart attack and stroke. Strength training will help with maintaining lean muscles mass while "dieting" and, in your old age, help mitigate many of the ravages of time (many aspects of aging are a direct consequence of loss of lean muscle mass - it's not the fountain of youth but I'm hoping it will help me age disgracefully :laugh: )
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You don't need to burn any from exercise, MFP sets you up so you lose the same amount of weight/week whether you workout or not
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You don't need to burn any from exercise, MFP sets you up so you lose the same amount of weight/week whether you workout or not

    Burning calories through exercise is icing.

    Mmm. icing.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    I'm confused!? If I'm set up for 20% of TDEE reduction, then this is the exception of needing to exercise right?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm confused!? If I'm set up for 20% of TDEE reduction, then this is the exception of needing to exercise right?

    Did you factor exercise into your TDEE? Then you need to exercise in order to live up to your TDEE