Good protein shake without added crap?



  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    milk isnt a good source. It keeps weight on and can aid in gaining weight. I started to change my protein to milk and plateaued for 2 weeks, got rid of milk to shakes again and BAM weight loss!

    go to and check out "pro complete 40" or a good egg white powder

    Also soy helps women who are pregnant or want to get pregnant add to the hips, but and leg area. If you want those areas to grow then sure drink away. lol
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    another vote for ON natural
  • Lukeboe
    I just read that it has Acesulfame potassium in it, which apparently is not a good thing.

    That's apparently still up for debate, but so far nearly all studies have not linked Acesulfame potassium as a carcinogen. Check out for information on artificial sweeteners and whether or not they are safe. You would seriously have to consume far too much of these sweeteners to even reach the levels used in carcinogen testing. If you drink a 12-pack of soda a day, you might be in trouble from those artificial sweeteners...but let's be honest, if you consume that much, you probably have bigger health problems...
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    This is primarily because I hate Whey on principle (it's a dairy waste product), soy is estrogenic garbage

    Whey is a by-product, NOT waste. It's already present in milk before curdling via rennet. Whey proteins make up approximately 20% of the protein in milk, by weight. You should probably stop drinking milk if you are so scared of whey proteins...
    soy is estrogenic garbage

    Soy is awesome. I'm not even going to go into detail in regards to nutritional value. You need to do some research and stop believing everything you read on blogs on the internet. True, it has one of the highest levels of phytoestrogens of all foods; however, it has zero effect on male physiology with normal consumption. It may even help reduce the risk of prostate cancer in males.

    Take a cooking class people! I mean a real cooking class. I'm halfway through a BioChemistry class on the science of cooking and it's fascinating. I know so much more about the food we consume, and about the stupid myths that people love to gobble up and regurgitate.

    First, I don't drink milk. The fact that whole milk is illegal in the US means that there's none here worth consuming anymore (homogenized milk putrifies in the gut instead of fermenting). As an added point, I am not a calf, so yeah...even from a philosophical standpoint, it should be avoided.

    Secondly, I am almost willing to bet that your class is just as full of propagandized misinformation as most other college level courses are now. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt it. Do yourself a favor and read some real, controlled medical studies, and learn to look for methodology flaws in them as well. If you had done so, you never would have said what you did about the effects of soy on males.
  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    You can design your own, add what you want, with whatever type of protein you would like, and pick the flavor. That way you can decide for yourself. :)
  • kcshues
    kcshues Posts: 5 Member
    Easy to find (most Walmarts and grocery chains), and affordable is Jillian Michael's Whey powder. I usually pay about $13. for a 14 oz jar at Walmart. Sweetened with Stevia, 100 cal, 3 Fat, 15 Protein, 7 Carbs. Not a lot of junk, I like Triple Chocolate with 8 oz unsweetened soymilk for a total cal load of 190. Of is from Pure Protein. So I looked at the Pure Protein jugs, which are larger and cheaper per ounce. has aspartame!
  • JenniferSpindel
    JenniferSpindel Posts: 56 Member
    You should look into Visalus. I took it to my doctor cause I wasn't ready to get into some sort of new diet thing (and to this day I only drink it every once in awhile) but it's so versatlie and becoming very popular (plus it's part of a direct selling thing so you could also make some money on it!)

    It's a sweet cream flavor and so you can mix it with just about anything (except apple juice...I tried it.. yech!)

    You can use it as a weight loss supplement (shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, etc), as a recovery booster (mix with water and drink it after your workout, helps your muscles recover faster), as a healthy snack (mixed with water or milk) or as a supplement to your health (I loved having it in the morning mixed with my coffee, cause I can't stand to eat breakfast!)

    Yes, it's a bit of a fad/trend right now... but honestly it's one of the best ones out there. I'd be more than happy to direct you to my distributor if you're interested!
  • Amazigh926
    Amazigh926 Posts: 33 Member
    I saw some pretty good ones down at Trader Joe's that were sweetened with stevia and didn't have any garbage in them BUT-- can you tolerate whey protein? Or do you have to use soy? My personal choice in protein powder drinks is DoTerra brand (you can't get them over the counter, you have to find a consultant or just google it and one will pop up), they are made with pea protein, rice protein and whey protein and come in chocolate and vanilla (no artificial anything in these). When I run out of DoTerra, I use Solgar brand whey protein, the vanilla has NO added sugar or sweetener of any kind and is all natural, I buy mine at the health food store. Good luck! :)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    another vote for ON natural

    ^^One more vote ^^