so tired

I coudnt sleep last night and i woke up this morning at 5 45 am rushed so fast i forgot to make my carnation breakfast and take my vitamins.
so i managed to rush to subway around 8 on my 15 min break cause they have a buy one get one
so i ate the 6 inch for breakfast then later in the day around 1 i ate the second one for lunch.
Im so tried all day dong alot of work.i get home at 4 30
i make my almond milk and protien powder take my vitamin i forgot and then start working on my routine
Abs day and then the biggest loser then bike
So tired i just have no ambition and energy.
I try and try but my body just doesnt wanna do it

Anyone else ever have the problem and how do u boost ur energy?


  • yocando
    yocando Posts: 101 Member
    For some reason, this time of year, I'm always more tired than usual...
    Today, I didn't fight it...some days I do.
    It depends on what's going on at the moment. I really sleep well so that's not it.
    I just try and maintain a routine. I know carrying extra weight saps some of the
    energy I'd otherwise have. So does bad eating habits, or eating lots of sugar..

    At times, I just honor where my body is at... other times, I push myself hard.
    One thing is for sure... if you have trouble staying motivated, you need to
    fill that with something that will push you through..
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    For some reason, this time of year, I'm always more tired than usual...
    Today, I didn't fight it...some days I do.
    It depends on what's going on at the moment. I really sleep well so that's not it.
    I just try and maintain a routine. I know carrying extra weight saps some of the
    energy I'd otherwise have. So does bad eating habits, or eating lots of sugar..

    At times, I just honor where my body is at... other times, I push myself hard.
    One thing is for sure... if you have trouble staying motivated, you need to
    fill that with something that will push you through..

    im motivated but not today. and not lookign forward to winter when it gets dark at 4 pm im ready for bed by 6 lol
  • MaggieLouise
    I have the same problem most days and usually end up giving up on my workout. Especially the days that I work. My job wears me out which is another reason I want to get in shape. I know that if I get in better shape I will have more energy and be able to make it through my 12 hour shifts at work with ease.
  • cjaytucker
    Omg I feel that way a lot. Something occurred to me today though. Honestly I do want to get in shape because I'm young and I still wanna play basketball when I transfer to a university but, what really motivates me is my girl. Kind of doing it for her. It doesnt make anything easier but it does give me that little push to get going.
  • MattTheWaterRat
    MattTheWaterRat Posts: 167 Member
    Coffee does the trick for me.
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    Coffee does the trick for me.

    No offence to a coffe drinker but i do not like it. i drink mostly water or i add sugar free hawian punch packeets to it.
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    im not sure what it was. yesterday i passed out at like 8 pm lol
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Well your diary is private so can't help you there. When I started this project I was on the MFP defaults, 50c/ 25F /25 P. Tired a lot, if I didn't structure my food right I was light headed and dizzy after my workouts. Did a ton of research, switched my setting sto 40C/ 30F/ 30P and started eating healthier and making sure I got a protein boost before my workout. Well now, that made a huge difference. So really take a hard look at your diet, a lot of folks get tired easy from the carbs, particularly if they are white carbs like white bread, regular pasta, and sugar. So, do some research, your BMR, you TDEE and then decide on a healthy level of calories and nutrients. You're a big guy and I think you might be surprised by how many calories you really need just through the day.
    When I started I tried the whole 1200 calories a day, booo hisss, just sick and tired all the time and not a lot of weight loss. Upped it to a more reasonable level for my fat *kitten* and suprise the weight started coming off.
    Eat healthy, a reasonable number of calories, and add some real fruits and veggies, bright colored fruits and veggies are called nature's sunshine for a reason. Also, as the weather gets darker, get your Vitamin D checked, most folks are deficient in the wintertime especially and that can cause all sorts of issues.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Everyone gets tired more easily during that time of the year. Less sunlight, more cloudy, rainy and windy days... It's probably a matter of getting back on track gradually. If you don't feel like exercising a day, make up for it with your nutrition. Try eating consistent snacks such as nuts that will keep you energized through the day. Make sure that you drink lots and lots of water. You also mentioned you do not like coffee. Consider drinking some tea instead, it's healthier and there are so many varieties that I'm pretty sure you're going to enjoy.

    If you're still having issues with your energy level, I would suggest consulting a physician and getting a blood test.
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    Listen to your body and sleep more! your body obviously needs it...
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    A common problem for big husky guys is sleep apnea. Do you snore? Maybe you should go have a sleep test and find out for sure. Being tired during the day is the number one symptom of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a very serious condition. Not to be alarming, but people with sleep apnea sometimes die in their sleep. Just putting it out there....
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You got very little sleep, ate probably 800 calories, then expected your body to perform?

    You can take a day off when the conditions aren't right, if the alternative is to be exhausted and pissed off at yourself. Be realistic with your expectations. Everyone has off-days. If yesterday is typical, you're eating too little, and that's not going to help your energy levels.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I have hemolytic anemia so I'm always tired. I know I shouldn't do it, but I take caffeine pills for energy...I try to stay motivated because I feel so much better eating clean and walking/running.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    This time of year a lot of people have problems with our hibernation instinct. In severe forms it is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) but most people have it in some degree. The best solution is to buy full spectrum light bulbs and install them where you spend lots of time. You can buy lamps to take to work if you have a desk job. Turn on as much light as possible with the full spectrum bulbs. I take off my lamp shades to maximize the effect. All the big box stores have them- they are sometimes called daylight or sunlight bulbs. This really works to reset your body to summer time energy levels and is non invasive. The only side effects are 1)for some people if you use them too late in the evening they can make it hard to go to sleep, and 2) if you are Bipolar it can trigger a manic episode if you aren't careful.
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    I was about to add, but folks hit it the nail on the head. Usually its stress, weight, and a mix of a few other factors. In my experience, the ONLY way to really demolish that tired feeling is sleep itself. A good 8 hours, and I'm right as rain for a day. Not so easy when you're up at 2AM, restless and nervous.

    Usual tactic. Take a deep breath, get out of bed and walk about a bit. Don't be afraid to get some milk, warm if neccessary, and just relax for a moment. After that, get back in bed, by then, you should have been relaxed enough to close your eyes and sleep.

    I know this isn't the answer you wanted, but from personal experience from the same issue, there is no miracle pick me up, no substitute for sleep itself, no matter the caffinee and energy mix you pump into yourself ... it just makes you a jittery, yawning mess. I used to use Monster Javas for a replacement for lost hours, wasn't so useful (though only 200 -100 calories a can, it wasn't that bad)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    You got very little sleep, ate probably 800 calories, then expected your body to perform?

    You can take a day off when the conditions aren't right, if the alternative is to be exhausted and pissed off at yourself. Be realistic with your expectations. Everyone has off-days. If yesterday is typical, you're eating too little, and that's not going to help your energy levels.

    My thoughts also.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    You got very little sleep, ate probably 800 calories, then expected your body to perform?

    You can take a day off when the conditions aren't right, if the alternative is to be exhausted and pissed off at yourself. Be realistic with your expectations. Everyone has off-days. If yesterday is typical, you're eating too little, and that's not going to help your energy levels.

    My thoughts also.

    Dude Eat're tired cause your body is running on LESS than Fumes. *based on your Pic* for a Boy your size you need to be eating more! a foot long sub and some almond milk??? Eat some food with substance man. Pound some protein shakes as snacks. Ive lost a ton of weight and dont need near what I needed before and Im still eating 2000 Cals+ a day. Put some fuel in your furnace.
    A common problem for big husky guys is sleep apnea.
    This too but mostly Calories
  • Emili03
    Emili03 Posts: 164 Member
    You got very little sleep, ate probably 800 calories, then expected your body to perform?

    You can take a day off when the conditions aren't right, if the alternative is to be exhausted and pissed off at yourself. Be realistic with your expectations. Everyone has off-days. If yesterday is typical, you're eating too little, and that's not going to help your energy levels.

    My thoughts also.

    Dude Eat're tired cause your body is running on LESS than Fumes. *based on your Pic* for a Boy your size you need to be eating more! a foot long sub and some almond milk??? Eat some food with substance man. Pound some protein shakes as snacks. Ive lost a ton of weight and dont need near what I needed before and Im still eating 2000 Cals+ a day. Put some fuel in your furnace.
    A common problem for big husky guys is sleep apnea.
    This too but mostly Calories

  • DontWeightStartNow
    DontWeightStartNow Posts: 58 Member
    I had the same problem recently. Even though I was getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising, there were times I just had to crash for a couple hours and nap. I also live in the Northeast (lack of sun, crappy weather = blah!). First, rule out, and have your doctor check your Vitamin B12 levels as well as your iron. I hear that Vitamin B12 deficiencies are very common in my area (don't know about yours). Turned out my B12 was fine, but my iron was out of whack. So, in addition to a multi-vitamin I take everyday and 1,000 mg of Vitamin D I added ferous iron supplement and I'm feeling awesome! Got my groove back and haven't felt like a train hit me every day for weeks!!! Just make sure you eat right, and get your sleep!!!
  • moniraq
    moniraq Posts: 63 Member
    Hmmm...I noticed this as I came in to log my little walk because I am just exhausted today! My legs felt heavy and I cut my walk short at about 15 minutes. I hope it's just one of those days and that I'll have a bit more energy tomorrow. I hope your energy level picks up as well. It's tough when we only have so many minutes in a day and we're busy all the time so know you're not alone.