What Is the most you've gained after a cheat day?



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    After My triathlon on Sept 25 2011 I had a cheat day and I gained 25 lbs...Ok granted that cheat day lasted into Halloween Thanksgiving and and Christmas...Just be careful cheat days can catch you by surprise.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    it takes an additional 3500 calories to gain a pound a fat and i DOUBT you ate more than 5 x 3500 calories than you normally did. it's just water and undigested food, don't starve yourself or your body will start to store more fat because of "starvation" or "survival" mode. or you could binge and make it worse. don't let it get you down or beat yourself up about it. just get back on track. hit the gym for a bit extra if it helps your peace of mind, that's what i do after a "cheat" day
    I know. I'm just new. I'm trusting it will come off. The concept is just really wierd until I see it happen. I'm eating like normal since the cheat day. Truly not stressing over it.
    It's OK to ask questions when you're new, or anytime in fact!:flowerforyou: Oh and welcome to MFP:drinker:

    I took off about 15 lbs. in 2 days (well after I'd gained it) after eating less than stellar for a couple days.:blushing: Was it actual weight? I doubt it, likely Hormones, sodium etc., just drank a load of water and ate carefully but not less than my daily cals after. The gym helped me out and my body didn't hold on to it. It most definitely freaked me out when I realized how much the scale changed. I even changed my ticker out, guess I did that to show how easy it can be for me to put it on - a bit of a reality check. Plus I loved watching it come off again.

    You had mentioned cheat days, I may have treats but something about the word cheat rings 'diet' in my ears and like I'm cheating/hiding something. I realize that word is used often on the boards but guess I just prefer treat over cheat. Might have something to do with the cheat thread from last night.:grumble: :laugh:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    Made me feel gross for two days, but didn't set me back at all- def not a week. Just got back on the horse the next day and carried on.

    Excellent example.

    5200 calories, of lets say carbs, since you get only 4 calories per gram. Fat is denser at 9 calories per gram.

    1300 grams of carbs weighs 2.9 lbs if it was totally that.

    578 grams of fat weighs 1.3 lbs if it was totally that.

    But, your body spends energy processing this extra food. You don't digest all of it and use it all. Your body doesn't get all the calories out of it.

    So literally, the most you could gain from this day would be approaching 2.9 lbs if all carbs. But since most of that is going to be excess, and converted to fat, energy spent there on that process, so down around 1.3 lbs now.

    Let's not forget too, surplus is over your normal goal, plus your deficit to your TDEE, so anything above that actually.

    The only thing to make this worse, is if last weigh-in you were glucose depleted, this day more than topped you off, and then you weighed again. That could add upwards of 2lbs of extra water stored with that glucose.
  • cheat days? What are those?

    I messed up, was very emotional and binged on food for three days. I gained two lbs. I accepted it and didnt worry about losing it. I did learn (a reminder) of how fast it can be put back on. Never again will I let that happen.
  • and thiiis is why I weigh myself at the very very most once a week, usually once every other week. I don't weigh myself after cheat days and if you just weighed yourself at the end of the week, you probably wouldn't feel so bad about it! Don't weigh yourself so much and by the end of the week you won't even notice that the cheat day happened :)

    I agree with this. I weigh myself once a month.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I just gotta say that YOU ROCK for being so transparent in this posting! DUDE! This would terrify me (worse than the wolfman) to post! LOL
    I ate some Newton cookies (like fig newton thins) yesterday afternoon with reduced fat peanut butter on them and I felt so blleehhh for over-doing it, that I skipped dinner! lol (I am in that last little homestretch (only 4# to go to my goal!)) I am concerned that these "splurges" will land me at 5-10- or worse, back at the 80# - heavier - that I was to begin with!!! ACK!

    Thank you again for sharing and being so candid! Today I will burn my booty off with cardio, and give myself a little more grace and forgiveness for the indiscretion of the skippy peanut butter incident of 2012. lol

    God Bless!

    Thanks! I'm glad it helped you. It was a learning experience. I don't eat like this normally- not even close. But it was my 30th birthday, and since I had started dieting, 5 months prior, I planned this splurge. I decided well in advance that I was going to eat everything I had been missing, and a ton of it. It got me through cravings to know that I was going to have this day to eat all my favorite things. So, at no point was it really an out of control binge. By the end of the day I felt horrible, and even the next evening when I went to run I felt like I had a brick in my stomach. But, I have not even been tempted by any of these foods since! It was good to get the splurge out of my system.

    P.S. I should add that I did not adjust my workouts or eating patterns the rest of the week to compensate for this I just woke up the next morning, and moved on with regularly scheduled programming, and in the end it had no lasting effects that weren't beneficial.
  • Cristofori44
    To be fair, the pizza, slurpee and doughnut were a late night snack after the bourbons. I was too blasted to enter it under "snacks."
  • spollitt2
    Truthfully ...how long did the cheat day last?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Water weight I'm assuming because I'd have to have a record day for it to be real weight. I honestly don't know because if I splurge it's generally on the weekend, and I only weigh on Wednesdays.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Idrink beer on cheat days... and the next morning.. i LOSE because of dehydration, but the following day, im up a pound or two.. gone by day three and im back to where i was. LOL
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Easily gained at least 4 pounds, and takes a week to come off ....usually water retention from alot of sodium ..it sucks, I weigh myself like 2 times a month , for that very reason, I hover around a 6- 7 pound area ll the time 115 -122, it drives me nuts, plus I am on meds right now that made me gain 5 pds instantly, not weighing myself until a few days after I am done them
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    About a pound or two. It can definitely keep on going too.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Hah, my cheat days are always right after I weight in so I couldn't tell you. All I know is that it's gone by the next weigh in.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    I never cheat for one day its always with great style and lasts three to 10 daysx I gained 14 ILbs in two weeks on honey moon and recently gained 1 stone 1 ilb in a month I will tell you how long when I see the back of it!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Eight pounds, after my brother's luau last year. Gone within three days.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    After My triathlon on Sept 25 2011 I had a cheat day and I gained 25 lbs...Ok granted that cheat day lasted into Halloween Thanksgiving and and Christmas...Just be careful cheat days can catch you by surprise.


    ETA: Best Cheat Day EVER
  • HawtTamale
    HawtTamale Posts: 35 Member
    5lbs for me...it was just Monday actually :)

    4lbs of it was gone by this morning and I'm assuming the other one will be gone by tomorrow. It bothered me a little bit, but I knew it was physically impossible for that to be a real weight gain. So I'm drinking my water and carrying on as I normally would.

    It seems so easy to put it on but takes twice as long to get it off. People say you don't gain weight overnight, but it sure feels like it sometimes
  • jonwv
    jonwv Posts: 362 Member
    i have gained upwards of 8lbs in 2 days, but it was gone within 4 days
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    the best nap ever
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Like two pounds lol. But I gained 8 after my week long vacation this summer haha. All gone now and some more :D You gotta live sometimes!