What Makes You Stay Here....

So what does make you stay here!!! So many times I think to delete my account here!!! I am just going through a bad time!! So watching everyone here doing an AWESOME JOB is Hard at times. Every time I get closer and closer to hitting that delete button. Today my cursor was hovering right over that delete button. I am not too sure what made me not to do it!!! I think what stops me is those people that I do care about!!! But at this moment I am feeling like no one cares!!! I guess even though I am trying to make this journey alone I am scared to death to do it alone!!! This freaks me out!! Does anyone here ever think to press the delete button. Why, and what stops you from doing it??


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What would you gain by deleting your account?
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    What would you gain by deleting your account?

    Wow, that question is really strong for me. You have a really god point!!! I would gain nothing. I think that is the point. I am trying to work through some things, so I have been having lots of aha moments. This is one of them. I cannot believe I am saying this in a forum that ppl that I don't even know. I am used to dealing with things on my own. So telling myself that others don't care maybe makes it safer for me, and gives me permission to push people away from me!! I am pretty amazed by the support here, but this is so not my life and probably scary for me too! I cannot seem to stop though!! Thank-you for asking me this question!!! It really means a lot to me.