Daily weigh ins

Since starting MFP, I've been obsessing so much that I couldn't stop myself from weighing in every day. I was worried that maybe I wasn't committed enough and if I didn't weigh myself every day, I'd stop MFP altogether after a few days, so I just kept on doing the weigh-ins, despite knowing that it's not a good thing. Some days were seriously demotivating, because despite all the hard work, my weight would jump up (and then, always after a naughty day of having a glass or three of wine, my weight would drop quite a bit). Either way, doing this for 16 weeks, day in and day out means that I got to know by body really well.

I only recently started recording my weight weekly, because having some history and looking back, I realised that if I had just gone from Monday to Monday, I would have been MUCH more motivated to keep on it, than having the 3 or 4 downers during the week and even the good days weren't that great, because the numbers weren't significant.

Then I discovered an app on my Android phone which is pretty useful for those of us who can't help to weigh in daily. It's called Libra and measures your "trend" weight based on a formula from the hacker's diet (http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/e4/signalnoise.html) - it changed my daily weigh-ins to being something that is actually really a motivational tool for me. This app will really come in handy once I go into maintenance and don't want to lose weight any more - I now only look at my trend weight in this app (still weigh in every day), but on MFP, I now only record my weight on a Monday (my graph is much smoother now).


  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day. Once in the AM and once in the PM. I track it on a spread sheet I created along with a record of carbs and sodium that I ingested for the day. It fascinates me how the fluctuations work.
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    I am a daily weigher, I am very motivated and have had stretches of 2 weeks where no weight was lost. Then I sometimes get huge daily plunges.

    Today I lost 4 pouds after not losing any for a week. I am interested to see if it holds over the next few days. I am a numbers guy and tracking daily is what I enjoy.

    Do what keeps you motivated!
  • JohnnyBLean
    JohnnyBLean Posts: 67 Member
    During those periods where you're not seeing the results you desire or expect, check your sodium intake. There is a popular take-out restaurant in my area that has great baked chicken and we eat it often. Recently found out that it's loaded with sodium and despite eating very clean, I saw no weight loss. It was retained water. When you experienced a major drop, it was probably during a low sodium period. Use MFP to check your macro nutrients.

    On the journey together!