Staying motivated on P90X

I love P90X, but I have had one problem and that is staying motivated to do the workouts that I am not so motivated to do, such as Yoga X and Plyometrics. I do Cardio X sometimes on strength days if I have the time, and I use to use it as a supplemental for Plyo. But I know I am capable of doing Plyo and Yoga, I just get bored or not motivated.

Can anyone share some tips for how you stayed motivated through each workout if you have done or are doing P90X?


  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm doing P90x at the minuite, the way i look at it is some far better people than me have designed the programme, and who am i to judge how it can be changed... i want to do one round of 90 days and say "thats the results i got", not say "thats the results i got, but i could have maybe got better if i did/hadn't done that"...So i'm sticking to the plan 100%... the only things i've changed is that im using MFP to track my macros and not eating their way, i'm maintaining a net of 1600 rather than eating 2400 'flat out' (i'd bet any money if i put there diet into MFP it wouldnt hit the macros as well as i do!) and i swim on the odd Saturday... apart from that i follow the routines and macros 100%
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    I'm on day 60 right of P90x right now, I'm loving it.

    For Plyo, that's the one workout I dread. It drains me and leaves me sore a day later, in a good way. Yoga is the one I like the most, since it targets all my weak spots and balances the program.

    Doing doubles, if you're up for it and have weight to lose, isn't a bad thing. I am still hitting my spin classes three times per week (but then again, I love cycling and it's currently too cold here to ride, and I'm not in a position to drop $300 on cold weather cycling gear).

    Ultimately, if it doesn't work for you, then do something that does. Boredom can kill any workout routine, and if you're not enjoying it at least a little bit, but rather gritting your teeth and counting the time while yawning, then the big risk is you won't stick with it, plateau, and then quit; I've been there, done that, and it can be really disheartening. Personally, I think the program is balanced, and if you find that plyo is boring, I would hazard that you can kick it up a notch or two to find the real burn in it; Plyo leaves me ragged, soaked, and begging for a protein shake and a shower to relax the kinks out.

    I would say that the Yoga routine is probably the most important of the series though; the static flexibility and strength helps balance all the strength training and cardio work. Thanks to Yoga, when I touch my toes, I can now put my hands flat on the floor, and my overall flexibility is through the roof. I can do things now that I certainly could not do two months ago, thanks to Yoga.