Am I jogging incorrectly??



  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    My goal with wogging is endurance and enjoyment. If you were able to complete the run/walk and not feel like you wanted to die, then you won!

    If you feel like you're going to die during and at the end of every run, you'll never keep up with it... make it enjoyable, make it something you look forward to!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member

    Today I done my first 12 minute mile without stopping.
    Damn girl! You're faster than me !

    Keep up the good work
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Well I'm glad to see that the things I'm dealing with are relatively common.

    I am taking it more as a positive sign than anything else.. I just wanted to make sure that I was correct in taking it that way.

    Really the thing I did differently today was pacing myself, but I figured if I were to run a marathon someday I would need to be able to do that. I think I will do that from now on.

    Thank you for all the encouragement and advice! Right now I can't imagine running for 2-5 minutes straight but I have a feeling that a few weeks from now I will be saying the same thing about 20 minutes.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Thank you, guys! I will definitely aim to pace myself this next week.

    There is a good book by Timothy (?) called the 4 hour body. It has some great knowledge on running that could probably help you out a good book. Her's pretty kooky, but he goes to the source and in many cases works with these theories to see that they actually work. Over all it's a good read
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I started the Couch 2 5k program, but then went "screw it!" and decided I was going to get into jogging in my own way. This week and until I get my endurance up, I'm jogging for three straight minutes, followed by two minutes of brisk walking, then back to three minutes until I've been doing this for a half hour(this is counting the five minute walking warm-up). So altogether I'm jogging 15 minutes, and walking 15 minutes and it feels great.

    You don't have to follow the program to a T. Let it help you get started and do what you're comfortable doing.
  • hal1968
    Run at whatever pace makes you comfortable, no matter how slow. The C25K literature that I've found online says to run as slow as you want to. I think I even saw some stuff about running slower than you think you should . I took it at it's word and did just that.

    My "running" wasn't much more than a shuffle at first. Did you see the Nike commercial during the Olympics about the fat kid jogging? (if not look it up online. )That was about my pace. And at 6' 2", 275 lbs, I don't look a whole lot different either. : ) I just completed the C25K this week, and the one thing that got me through the program was being able to "run" at a ridiculously slow pace. I joke with my wife that now that I've completed the program I'm running at a pace that "almost" makes me look like a jogger. But I cover 2.5 miles in 30 minutes so I must be doing something right. 8 weeks ago I would've had a heart attack if I tried to jog for 30 minutes.

    The key is getting it done (the distance), and not quitting. Run, walk, crawl, just get it done. Any "running" is good running. You'll build your endurance and speed naturally, without trying. If you push yourself too hard now I'd worry that the discomfort will be a dis-incentive, and you'll be more likely to quit the program. You can do it.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    My "running" wasn't much more than a shuffle at first.

    Came home one time, just as hubby was leaving.

    Asked me how my stagger went.

    I'd love to be shuffeling :love: