Haven't been able to get back on track since dr. appointment



  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I too thought I had endometriosis. Always had pelvic pain and it NEVER went away. So my senior year of collge I go in for pelvic laprascopy to find out what is going on.

    I had bilateral groin hernias. And appendicitis. I didn't know what a hernia was. They took out my appendix on the spot but didn't do anything about the groin hernias. I had those fixed about a year later because it got to the point that I couldn't even stand up straight anymore.

    And as far as male vs. female OBs, I'd say that most of the females I've seen were *****y. I had a couple of male OBs that I hated - one that would literally just send me home and tell me to rest (when I needed emergency surgery which I had after I found a new OB - literally left new OB office and went to hospital for surgery). The one I see right now is amazing and did a wonderful job taking care of me through my miscarriage. Sound like your intution about this doc is spot on - fire her and find a new one.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    "I can't let that woman be right!". Would be my thought process. It's the worst when we let small minded with little background, set the tones for our lives. Prove that dr wrong and find a new one. I mean at the end of the day if she had told you that she thought you were dairy intolerant would you go eat ice cream? Screw her. Pull on your big girl panties. Realize mean people suck and thank god she's not your sister and get with what you set out to do. :-)
  • debraclaus
    Hard, isn't it. I liken dieting to rock climbing. Food is an addiction, and we all know how hard it is to kick it. What is helping me is joining a year-long Diabetes prevention program from our local hospital. We check in weekly, weigh, turn in our food diaries, and attend a class. The accountability is what I need. Maybe this will work for you?
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    That sucks. While I can't relate to the gynecologist visit, I can relate to the quack visit. As a teenager I got sent to a Psychologist where I was diagnosed with half a dozen disorders and put on more meds than I can remember. Unfortunately one of them was Topamax (for Bipolar). This medicine made me lose weight, yes. Rapidly, and in an unhealthy manner. Along with losing weight, however, I also now have tics in my right eye, and both hands.

    I call the doc a quack because all the crap they diagnosed me with wasn't what they thought. My "bipolar" was being a teenager coupled with the fact that my body produces more testosterone than most, and all the other crap (depression, ADHD, etc...) was all misdiagnosed (story for another time).

    Just stick with it, and use the quack as motivation to get back into it. She obviously thought you were some overweight couch potato. Keep up with your exercise and proper dieting, then when you get to your goal weight go to her office and show her what's up!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    What a quack! I'm glad you decided to find another Doctor! But by giving up you're only playing into her harsh judgmental assessment of you. Prove her wrong and get right back on track. Try to take something positive out of this experience - finding out early that your insulin levels are elevated allows you to be proactive with your health. Get right back into healthy eating and exercise and find a new Doctor asap to discuss your female problems :flowerforyou:
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    I have had the same experience with male vs. female OB/GYNs. What is wrong with these people and where can we go to report this type of behaviour. I doubt you would get very far the the medical establishment, but someone should set up a website or something so you can check your Dr. out before engaging their services. There must already be something like that out there. Poor practitioners should be called out. More oftent than not the patient doesn't say anything directly because of fear that their qulaity of care would go down even more. You can't always see a different doctor either. In some locations health care is pretty limited and doctors are on short supply.
  • mrsgigandet
    mrsgigandet Posts: 53 Member
    Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow. I cannot believe how many people have come and said such amazing things! You all have completely lifted my spirits. Thank you SO much. I really shouldn’t let her get to me so, but it really does just deflate you. Especially coming from a person of authority like a doctor. I want so much to give each and every one of you a hug right now. I know I can’t thank you all without taking up the whole page, so please know that I thank and appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart. *HUGS*

    I’m trying hard to find a new doctor that is covered on my insurance and doesn’t have horribly offputting reviews online :-/ So far I found one, but sadly she isn’t accepting any new patients. I’ve been avoiding male doctors at all costs because the thought freaks me out, but you guys are really making me reconsider. The only other OBGYN I’ve ever been to was a witch as well, even if not to this extreme.

    To a few of you guys and gals who asked direct questions/made direct statements, I did want to respond :)

    Chooriyah- I absolutely will write a letter to the clinic. I’m not sure if it will do any good but at least I can try to make a difference in someone else’s life as you said. And it will let me vent more directly at the source :) I’ve already written reviews on a few places online, I was SHOCKED at how many other horrible ones were already out there about her.

    Fat*****barbie27- (Love your name, by the way!) That is so horrible, I’m so sorry you went through that. Just… wow. I cannot believe how some of these people become doctors and retain patients. Your words about a male doctor really have me thinking that I should give one a try. It’s just such an awkward feeling to get past, especially since I am self conscious around men as it is. Thanks for helping get me on that track, though, and I will most certainly add you :)

    Saltatoria- I am taking the Metformin. I’ve done a little reading about insulin resistance but it’s so overwhelming and a lot of it is conflicting information (thanks, Internet!). I’m still not sure how many carbs I should be eating per day for it. Type two diabetes runs in my mom’s family regardless of weight so it’s certainly not something I want to mess around with, but I’m really lost about how to start taking care of it. That’s another thing that’s had me kind of down, I think.

    Slynnalex- As kiddy as it might sound, I am definitely taking my mom with me to the next one :)

    Sevencallmemom- That is so scary. Bless you and your family, I’m so sorry your babies have to go through that. It scares me that a doctor would attempt prescribing seizure meds for weight loss, too.

    Corrinebrown- I’m not on birth control and I’m hoping to avoid it unless its medically necessary (not only for the money it will cost, but I just hate taking medicine unless I absolutely have to!) This pain only started about 8 months ago so I feel like it must mean SOMETHING. I really do think I’ll give a man OBGYN a shot. Thanks for the luck and good luck to you with yours, as well :)

    Samblanken- I’m so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I wish it wasn’t so hard to find a great doctor, but I’m glad you finally found one!

    Siekobilly- I LOVE the idea of going back to the office after I’m all toned and fit, haha :)

    Again, thank you one and all, and I'm sorry I can't reply to more of you individually (being at work doesn't help! ;)) You have all really given me a new motivation. I want to show her up and I want to be good to myself, too.