PMS = Binging. Please help!

So it's almost TOM for me, and I have no control, whatsoever! I can't even put in my diary what I've eaten the past two days. Any tips to ward off the binge monster? What do you do to help overcome a PMS binge? I hate these cravings ! TIA!


  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    Bump, anyone??
  • feather314
    I know I am RAVENOUS right before my period. Like I could eat the whole house. Not sure if there's a way around those feelings. I just try to stay aware of what I'm eating and maybe add in some more exercise to account for the cravings I do give in to.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I would say try allowing yourself small amounts of the food you're craving. If you HAVE to have a Snickers and Nacho Cheese Doritos, nibble on a fun size candy bar and a few chips. And make sure to log it all. Seeing what you've eaten may help deter you, even if you don't think it will.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I usually have one of those tiny dove dark chocolates to get me through those cravings. And drink loads of water. I don't get those massive cravings or extreme hunger prior as some here have said. If i get a craving for salty foods I just ignore it and fill up on something healthy. Better than the alternative which for me would mean that if I eat the salty foods my BP will shoot up plus I swell up from my ankles to my eye lids.
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    This is a difficult one. I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I just let it go. Know that its bad. know it will pass. and start over when this time goes. Otherwise..I don't know. Find something else to focus on. call a friend,read a book, go for a walk. exercise. chew gum! that sometimes works for me. :( good luck.
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    I'm awful the week before. Outrageous cravings (ravenous yes)I cannot control nor deny =( I just make sure my workouts are on track and I have no choice but to give in a tiny bit lol. W hat can we do? I truly wish there was a solution. Just pure willpower to overcome....meh
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    What are you craving? What does your daily food log usually look like?
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    I wish I could help, but I'm just the opposite. I get VERY nauseated and I don't want to eat ANYTHING! YUCK!
  • Wen37
    Wen37 Posts: 218 Member
    I usually just give in and have what I am craving but I don't skip my workouts no matter how bad I am crapping bloating or whatever. If I do real bad I might workout twice that day. Good luck!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'm the same 4 about 4 days. Drives me insane. I'm so on track right now and dreading it coming g around again, hoping some good tips come up here. Thinking I need to start tracking mine, so I can see when it's coming and be more prepared for it! X
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I had mine last week and still managed to lose a few pounds. I craved chocolate like normal, but I made an effort to still pay attention to what I ate. For me a Fiber One Oats and Chocolate worked for me. Also, working out helped me as well.
  • paulagj
    paulagj Posts: 72 Member
    I am the same way, very ravenous right before TOM. I mostly crave chocolate, so I'll indulge on a Lindt chocolate ball or two :wink: during the day or after dinner.
  • jmalone71
    jmalone71 Posts: 34 Member
    I just go with it and then try to get it under control afterwards, I don't just eat whatever i want , but i do go over and not eat so healthy then ( I usually crave salt and vinegar chips and chocolate ) , I just eat enough to satisfy myself so i am not a raging biotch , lol ...... but i try to not feel guilty afterwards as i know i used to do that on a daily basis before , and now i am trying eat a lot healthier than i used to. I know as soon as i feel deprived it is all a mental game to me , then i just want to eat and eat , i wish i could figure out why !!
  • CressidaJL
    CressidaJL Posts: 53 Member
    I not only crave (carbs, mostly) like a demon during, but am never sated. Ever. Literally, I could eat so much my stomach physically exploded, but I wouldn't feel remotely full. :noway:

    I combat it by drinking WAY more water than I usually, stocking up on fruit (strawberries, grapes, raisins, etc; yes they're full of natural sugars, but it's much better for you than man-made sugary carby deliciousness!), and not giving myself a hard time if I fail. Messing up doth not a total waste-of-time make. :)
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Working out and increasing my water intake helps. Not that I DON'T get cravings, but for me, it helps to minimize them. If I do get a craving, I have Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate squares at my desk and at home. If I have a salty craving, I have organic tortilla chips that I like to eat. It's not perfect, sometimes stress wins over the PMS and I have half a "small" bag (it really looks like a medium) of movie theater popcorn. Uh yeah, that happened last week. :D
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    I agree if you do cave go for small portions maybe get some Popsicles that helps me sometimes. Plus drink lots of water too! :) Gum...ok that's it for me!
  • Mrs_Chops
    Mrs_Chops Posts: 51 Member
    You're not alone!!! I feel the same way! All the stuff I would never usualyl have I want... I dont think there is any way around it except like some people have suggested smaller portions. It's tough though... Im right there with you girl!
  • trtmom
    trtmom Posts: 76 Member
    This is exactly me! It starts the week before and I cannot stop it! If you look at my diary, I've barely logged at all this past week. Thank goodness it's almost over. I joined a gym yesterday so hopefully this will help too!
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I just had my worst Binge Monster all year - and it lasted two weeks of eating peanut and peanut butter m&m's - I'm talking in one night I literally ate 800 calories of peanut m&M's!!! I didn't even buy healthy food - it was not appealing at all. I ate almost no fruit or veggies; this was TOTALLY not me I don't even have a TOM (had essure & novasure done in Oct 2006), but I still have some cramping, bloating, migraines (but not so bad as before). I DID log what I ate, embarrassing as it is, because I want to hold myself accountable and try to prepare myself for it the next time it happens.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Eat ice :) or drink lodes of water that's wa I do x