Scared about using a Personal Trainer?



  • Know that a lot of Trainers have trainers themselves.

    There's just something powerful about having a person push you beyond what you would normally do for yourself.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I love my trainers
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    The expense has to be justified and usually is, as the results can be fast. It is hard graft and you will sweat, hurt and even almost cry at times. They push you way harder than you would push yourself (well d'oh!)
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I see a personal trainer once a week and it is the best thing I have ever done, totally love our sessions and the extra weight training has made a big difference to my body shape. Its VERY important to find the right trainer for you, after going to the gym on and off for 10 years I've never really been bothered and thought it was an unneccesary expense, but after my PT took a boxing class one day, I just thought I really like how you do things, I want to buy some sessions, where as some of the other trainers at my gym are about as motivating as a dead fish!!!

    They won't think you are fat / lazy etc, if you are in the gym and not at home on your couch!!
    A good trainer will ask what you want to acheive from your sessions, and within a few weeks should know the best way to motivate you to do that. The thing that works for me is my trainer says do 10-15 reps - because he has given me a range, I know he would be happy with 10 but I want to do the 15, so now anything I am unsure about he is like I know you can do this, and I do!

    Yes its expensive at £20 an hour, but I have learned so much about weight training, how important the correct form is and SO many different exercises that I never even knew about, I tend to get very bored doing the same old routine but now I get a different workout every time and he always challenges me to do a bit more weights / a few more reps than I think i can do.
    Now on the days I have to do weights by myself, I have learned so many more exercises and it helps to keep me interested :-)
  • 305muscle
    305muscle Posts: 97 Member
    we are not too bad lol I been a personal trainer for many years and I try my best to make it fun!