Working out by myself



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    but is it so bad that I want to make someone else go through what I'm going through? Probably.

    Well, you answered that yourself.

    Put on your headphones, tune out the rest of the world and just do your thing. It's like meditation when you're alone. Your brain goes all over the place. You might find the solution to world hunger! lol
  • 20ever
    20ever Posts: 125 Member
    Try your local YMCA, I take up 5 classes a week. Have made some new friends and have other folks to compete with and compare with.

    I'd try that.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I've been there. Many, many times! Every new gym I get the same butterflies. For me, it's like ripping off a band-aid. The reality isn't so bad once it's done. The more you put it off and work yourself up, the worse it will be. If you just go and get it done, it will be okay.
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    I love working out by myself. ALTHOUGH, I have to say...I have a new workout partner that is hot and likes me...SO thats kinda motivating!! WOOOT
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    I've been going to the gym for over 20 yrs and I still feel a little uncomfortable sometimes mostly when I have to do my own routine. So I plan what I am going to do. E.g. Eliptical for 5 mins warm up, lat pulls, seated row, leg press etc. This way I won't be wandering around aimlessly. I would suggest looking up whatever exercises you will be doing on youtube even for the machines that way you won't feel self conscious the first few times.

    I prefer going to the gym alone though. I just get too distracted when I have to be social with someone the entire time.
  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    Is there a walking group in your area on That might be a good way to find some more workout-buddies.

    Working out alone isn't as fun as being with others. I have to do things like head out to a 3 mile loop trail - once I start I can't wimp out halfway through just because I'm alone. It's a lot easier for me to give up when I'm on the treadmill.

    I know there are a lot of varied opinions about Crossfit, but I did it for a while and there really is something to be said about the camaraderie that you get working out in a group.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    can't relate! I love to workout alone! :D
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I've never gone to the gym with a 'buddy'. I've always done it alone.
    (currently I"m not a gym member, so working out at home and out in the parks alone)
    I can see how if you haven't been to the gym before, it might be awkward going in alone the first time. But if you're familiar w/ it and have a routine, you should feel ok going alone. Do you just want someone to talk with? As honestly, you'd probably get a better workout staying focused with headphones on. (A buddy can just be a big help being a spotter!) :happy:

    Now I'm wanting to sign up for a 5k, but don't have anyone to do it with me (or to cheer me on).. now that does bother me:ohwell:
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm right there with you! Tonight I'm going to Zumba...alone. I'm just to the point that I don't care, this is something that I want to do, so I'm doing it. Just don't worry about anyone else and you'll do great!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I gave up working out with a partner years ago. I could never find anyone that committed like I did (do) so I just accepted that I work out alone. Like when I also accepted that I go out alone...I got tired of being left because the person I was with found someone to go home with, got a date at the last minute so canceled our plan etc etc...I forced myself to "get over' the feelings of discomfort that come with being alone and it's now a norm for me. If you accept that you are will get over the discomfort.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Try talking to people there, people seem to be pretty friendly at my gym and stop for a chat and you have one thing in common to talk about right away.

    Just avoid stalkers, serial killers and Republicans (or is that Democrats ? I am from the UK so not sure)
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    Yes! I know exactly where you are coming from I was in your exact spot nine months ago.I was very self conscious of how others percieved me.Then after getting hazed by some teen girls as I walked in my neighborhood I said screw them and kept going.I told myself- "This is only a temporary shell, and before you know it you'll be walking these extra layers and pounds away."
    Nine months later guess who got the last laugh? You are the only one that is stopping youself and the only one that can push yourself past that fear.Put on your headphones blast some music and go chica go! Best of luck doll!