HELP! I Cant get motivaited to work out!!!

Does anyone have any tips on how to get motivaited to get up and work out? I have a 5 month old and I always say I am going to work out when he takes a nap but by then I am wiped out and have to nap too!!! Not to mention we are trying to remodel our new house!! I want to do the C25K challange but it is very hard to find the time with a 5 month old, school, remodel/ move! When do you find it best to work out? morning, night, during the day??? Thanks for all the tips ahead of time!


  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    I hate exercise with a passion. I will constantly postpone doing it and make excuses not to IF I dont do it first thing when I wake up. Now with a baby that may be more difficult becuase itds going to mean waking up before him, but it can be done.

    For me, I take my pups for a walk before work. To change it up I will ride ny exercise bike or do some crunches or something. What about taking your little guy for a walk after he eats breakfast? That way you still have some energy and he gets out of the house as well.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,070 Member
    I have a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old. Ey exhaust me so much that I either do it when they nap or after they go to bed. But sometimes you really just want sleep or a shower... Or you have to do laundry or dishes... I find that the alone time i get from working out "feeds me" more than anything else. No kids climbing on me. Doing something for myself. Consider a jogging stroller?

    Also, I don't do well setting "rules" for myself. Like I have to exercise on m/w/f, or i have to do a program like p90x. I have a handful of videos i work through, sometimes i run, sometimes i do a p90x weights video, but i just keep changing it up.
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    We are all right there with you......I try and workout in the morning that way I can also try and sneak another workout in at night. My hubby just switched jobs and works 6pm to 6am 7 on 7 off so I have my two year old to take care of all night by myself and I work a full time job. So I try and get up around 4:30ish and sneak in a 30 to 45 min workout then my son goes to bed around 8 and I hit it again for atleast an hour. Sometime life gets in the way and Im unable to workout but thats just part of it. You also have to find a workout that you enjoy. I've found a passion for insanity and chalean extreme. Also try and give yourself rewards (new shoes, purse, or clothes...something like that). Good luck!!
  • CLDKess
    CLDKess Posts: 40
    When my son was little (<1 year) I also struggled to find time to exercise. This may come off as unkind, please understand I do not mean it that way. Diet and exercise is something that you have to make part of your day. Also, for me, when I exercise it is MY time to focus on myself. If not for the physical health benefits, do it for the mental health perks! It is much easier to say you 'dont have time' There is always something you can do. I have a 20 minute DVD I do when i have free time, that may be your best route. Or clean the house?? That always gets my heart rate up :)

    Good luck...being super Mommy/wife/friend/sister/cousin etc is a hard but rewarding job and I'm sure you can do it!
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Does anyone have any tips on how to get motivaited to get up and work out? I have a 5 month old and I always say I am going to work out when he takes a nap but by then I am wiped out and have to nap too!!! Not to mention we are trying to remodel our new house!! I want to do the C25K challange but it is very hard to find the time with a 5 month old, school, remodel/ move! When do you find it best to work out? morning, night, during the day??? Thanks for all the tips ahead of time!
    I have an 8 month old, a FT job, a PT job, a wife who works 3rd shift AND an active social life.

    I still run 3x a week, lift 3x a week, and wrestle, box, spar 3x a week.

    If you want it bad enough, you will make time.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Morning is best for me. Otherwise life gets in the way.
    Husband gets up at 4:45 anyway; I might as well get up too and get started on my day with exercise.