looking to lose 100

Ok. So I am looking to lose 100lbs. I have been on fitness pal before.But now I am more determined then ever. However I broke my foot 3 weeks ago so working out is not in the picture at the moment. I was going to the gym with a good friend of mine and we made it "our job" since we both were unemployed at the time. We have both since then found jobs. She has lost over 150lbs and she is a major inspiration. I however since finding my new job not had time to work out much less eat right. I have 3 boys that are in boys scouts and soccer as well as working swing shift. I have found it very difficult to make the right food choices. I need help and support. I need to be a heathier ME!!! I have a million and one excuses that all seem resonable at the time but I need to get beyond this. I need help and support from some new friends. Maybe just maybe I can do it this time. I neeeeed to do this.


  • MittenMama
    Hey! I'm returning to MFP after slacking off of it about 5 months ago. I know how you feel with life being a big pain in the butt when trying to eat better!

    I think you have the right mindset, though. You're determined! I think if you can keep that determination, then you've won half the battle. :-) Hopefully I can, too!
  • make_meup
    make_meup Posts: 42 Member
    I feel the same.. I get determine to lose weight then things come up. I also need some support feel free to add me :)