Fast Food



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Who is eating 600 calories at lunchtime? I want to know what exercise you're doing that allows you to afford that!!
    I checked Chipotle and selected a salad that I would want to order....yup, 600 calories. Double what I would normally eat for lunch.

    Lunch is my biggest meal of the day, but even so I still have 800-1000 calories left over for breakfast and dinner each. I run a couple days a week, not much else right now. Have been maintaining my current weight since 2009
    If you've committed to eating out frequently for lunch like the OP has, then maybe this caloric strategy will work for you too.

    (Having said that, one of the biggest reasons I lost weight was because I made my own meals, especially lunches. I won't say that eating out can't work for you, but it wouldn't have worked for me.)
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Check out the nutritional info before if at all possible. There are good choices everywhere.... baked potatoes (careful of toppings), chili, salads (careful of dressings and other high fat/calorie toppings), avoid soda (even diet), drink extra water before, during and after....anything grilled, take the bun off if you have to, order extra vegies depending on where you are eating.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member