Stressed out and falling off the fit wagon

So lately I feel like my life is just going out of control. I have to find somewhere to move, my job is crazyyyyy, my family is crazier and I only have my skinny-mini boyfriend to turn to. Everytime I complain about how I've been putting back on a little bit of weight he is supportive in saying how great I look and not to worry about it, but the next sentence is "wanna have ice cream?" or "why are there never any snacks around?" ummmm really? Lately I have been slacking majorly just due to stress and have virtually no motivation to eat right or exercise because I am concerned with other aspects of my life. I am wondering if/when other people feel this way, what keeps you motivated? What helps you get back on track? I could really use some advice on keeping myself motivated because I have come way too far and worked way too hard to fall off the fit wagon, but lately I almost don't care. :ohwell: :frown: