Picking after dinner

Katgod318 Posts: 70 Member
OMG! I never realized how much I actually pick after dinner. You know how you sometimes have food to put away after dinner is over? Well, um, yeah, I have discovered that is the hardest point in the day for me. I am so use to just picking at it while I am putting it away, that I don't think I ever realized how many calories I was taking in doing it. Depending on the meal and what is left over, it's anywhere from 75 to 400...OMG!!!!

As hard as this is to stop, I have found myself very quickly throwing out food or putting it in tupperware containers and throwing it in the fridge while my self-control is still partially in tact. UGH!!!

Anyone else have trouble with this???


  • bvanam
    bvanam Posts: 10 Member
    Evenings are my toughest time too. I always have to save some extra calories for after dinner. I typically save enough for a scoop of Healthy Choice (or some other light) ice cream and when I'm all done cleaning up the kitchen, I sit down and treat myself to the ice cream. Somehow knowing I still have something to look forward to helps me keep from picking at the leftovers while I'm cleaning up. I hope this helps! :smile:
  • AGG115
    AGG115 Posts: 62
    For me, it's while I'm making the meal that I "eat the profits." I taste test at every point and it can really add up. It'd be okay, I suppose, if I only ate a small meal for dinner, but my husband eats super slow and it's so hard for me not to help myself to one or two more servings.

    Maybe what you need to do is cook and plate the food, and then put everything in the fridge before calling everyone else to the table. If they want seconds, they can get them out of the fridge themselves.
  • msladyface
    I've had this same problem - I make a plate for my fiance and myself, give him his plate and put at least the food away before I eat so that it's not even there when I'm finished with my meal. Saving calories for a little snack later is helpful too. :tongue:

    I've also been focusing more on portion sizes and trying to only cook what we NEED to eat so we don't have too many leftovers to tempt us.
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    I've had this same problem - I make a plate for my fiance and myself, give him his plate and put at least the food away before I eat so that it's not even there when I'm finished with my meal. Saving calories for a little snack later is helpful too. :tongue:

    I've also been focusing more on portion sizes and trying to only cook what we NEED to eat so we don't have too many leftovers to tempt us.
    That is brilliant. Plus less to clean up after dinner.
  • stephcheers
    I totally love the idea to put the "leftovers" in the fridge before we actually eat. I'm gonna start doing that tonight. :happy:
    Because I am the fastest eater at our table and the first to reach for seconds. And it seems a lot less rude than the strategy I've been doing, which is to finish and get up and start cleaning while the rest of the family is still eating.

    Thanks!!! :flowerforyou:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I always allot myself at least 150-200 cals for a snack before bed.
    So I can either waste it by 'picking' or I can having something really yummy later.
  • gpiller
    I seem to try to atleast leave 200 calories for me after dinner because by 8:00 or 9:00 I want something to eat......so it leaves with being able to have a snack before bed.....if you like dry cheerios,..it's great because for a half an hour sitcom you can have one cup of cheerios..and they tend to last longer then just having a cookie or something.
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    My weakness is picking while I'm cooking. I'm usually hungry when I get home, even if I have an afternoon snack at work. So, this week I've been making myself a bowl of steamed broccoli (in the microwave), with a LITTLE bit of cheese if I have the extra calories and fat, so I can eat that while I'm making dinner. It's been working so far.
  • sgsnow79
    sgsnow79 Posts: 15 Member
    My kind husband has agreed to do the cleaning up after a meal, so I get the heck out of the kitchen and let him do the cleaning up to avoid temptation!

    Seeing that I do all the cooking, it seems to be a fair trade, and it saves me many calories...

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