Old fashioned Values :-)

jollyjax Posts: 8 Member
Can I convert all this pounds rubbish to good old fashioned Stones and pounds on here ... or are we stuck with pounds or kilos ... might seem daft but to me 205.3pounds doesnt sound the same as 14st 9lbs ... I would by the way die to be 14st 9lbs :)



  • What's a stone? Are we talking big stones or little stones? When is a stone a stone, and not a boulder,? Are grains of sand considered little stones?

    Can you tell that I don't have a clue as to what a stone is? And please.....................forgive my poor attempt at humor.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    This has been asked in the 'technical support' section and MFP said they were working on changing the setting to show stones.

    I think it's only us Brits who like to measure our weight in stones!! :smile:
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    Yepp, only you Brits that do that one as far as I know. lol.