That 'Holy Crap' Moment

I started doing the Food Lovers Fat Loss system last year around this time. I was smaller starting out and lost about 20lbs. I was actually feeling really good. Definitely increased energy level and much smaller portions. I was happy. Then the holidays hit and I am a sucker for anything sweet and loaded with carbs.

My jeans are killing me too tight right now so I decided that I really need to lose it rather than buy a bigger size. I just can't bring myself to go bigger. I stepped on the scale yesterday and discovered I am at the heaviest I have ever been. That was my 'Holy Crap' moment. My name is Jaimie and This is my day 3.

SW: 340 (Yikes!)
CW: 340 (Yikes x2!)
GW: 200 (for now)


  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    i understand I stepped on the scale about 3 monthes ago and realized i had hit 334 and had my holy crap moment i am now 30 lbs down and still truckin you can do this feel free to add me if you want
  • ksnegirl
    ksnegirl Posts: 85 Member
    For me it was pictures. I hate pictures. :-(
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Yup, know the feeling, one day you step on the scale and almost get knocked cold over by the number!
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    welcome, yes the holy crap are you kidding me moment hits us all

  • Colli78
    Colli78 Posts: 135
    Mine was when I stepped on the scales and it hit 400. I couldn't believe it. I thought the scale was broken. I stripped down, stepped on it again and Bam! It was definitely a Holy crap moment!

    160 pounds later and I feel AMAZING!! You've got this. You are doing it for yourself now...not for anyone else. I hope your next Holy Crap moment will be when you step on the scales and it comes in at 299. Then you will KNOW you got this!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want!

    Best of Luck to you!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Pictures of me at my 30th birthday. I wasn't even at my all-time-heaviest but man, it stung! I didn't get serious until about six months later after the holidays when my brother called me a 'fat-*kitten*'... but those were my two moments where I thought, "oh crap."
  • Ginnyesq
    Ginnyesq Posts: 109
    My HW was 345, and I almost fell over. I know how it feels to be staring down the barrel of a huge amount of weight to lose, feel free to add me if you like.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    We all have that 'holy crap' moment, that's why we are here. :) Keep at it and do what works for you. My moment was when the doctor told me I was going to end up with diabetes due to my medical history and weight. :( I don't want that again (I have had it 2xs now with my pregnancies) and I will tell you shots and insulin is no fun. So I'm going to do this!
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    We all have to start somewhere! Kudos to you for listening to that "Aha!" moment and deciding to make some changes. You will feel better simply because you're taking the time to take care of yourself, everything else will happen as a result of this. Feel free to add me if you'd like! =]

    For me, it was when I was having issues walking up stairs, always feeling hungry, and generally felt like crap all the time... only took me two years to actually act upon that lol
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 250 Member
    Yep-- mine was when I got our pictures developed and realized I looked fat, not hot like I thought, at a party we went to!:sad:
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    Good for you for taking that first step to becoming healthy, You can do it. Eat healthy, smaller portions of whatever you want to eat, and some form of exercise. You can do it!!! :)
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    I totally understand your "Oh Crap" moment! I used to weigh 130 and today, I weigh 235. Making small goals per month and having goals outside of what is on the scale will work! Just stay motivated, wake up every day with a new mindset and you will see a difference. Then, you will experience a "Oh crap" moment when you look in the mirror and go "yay!!!"! Good luck!
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    Mine was a photo taken of me oh man! How did I get so fluffy?
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This place is pretty great! Best of luck!
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    Welcome!! :drinker:

    I was sort of in denial my whole life. I knew I was overweight, but so what. I told myself I wouldn't let it get out of hand. I was in control. HAH! My Holy Crap moment was a combination of pictures and scale and belt and clothing size! Seeing myself weigh the same as the day before I had my son 5 years earlier... :noway:
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I understand the 'Holy Crap' moment when my pants ripped when I sat down. An embarrassing feeling but I reminded myself of that moment and it helped me through all those pounds.

    Good luck to you Jaimie:flowerforyou:
  • For me it was being denied health coverage for "Morbid Obesity" when I'm only 40lbs over weight. When they told me that I was like what do you mean Morbid Obese? I weigh 190lbs...yea I'm over weight but I'm not morbid obese...14/16 is not MORBID. Nonetheless...that hurt my feelings so bad. I just cried and cried and then I started doing something about it. I always wanted to lose weight but that's what really got me going.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    One month ago I was standing in my bedroom completely stuffed from bingeing all day, then eating a big dinner. I started thinking about wanting some of the sherbet that was in the freezer and something inside me completely short-circuited. I could see very clearly that I had NOT lost control, that I had been stuffing myself to the point of misery nearly every day ON PURPOSE because my misery kept me from dealing with other problems in my life. I knew that if I could do that to myself, I could do the opposite just as well. Better even.

    Emotionally I've been kind of a wreck, but physically I'm getting a little better every day.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    My 'Holy Crap' moment came last year on a trip across America to my new home. My mom took a candid shot of me walking my dog at a rest stop. And I was like oh **** that is really me! It is a far away shot too so not like I can blame zoom or weird angles. It was a hellish moment. I think my SW was 200 to 240 I am not sure because I did not want to know. My CW is 148 to 155 I flucuate a lot for some unknown reason. Guessing my health issues as I am low sodium and low sugar and low carb. My GW is 135 my UGW is 128. We will see.
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    My moment was being told by my doctor that I have cholesterol issues and liver issues. I'm 22. It broke my heart and I cried. The next day I signed up on MFP and have been doing good. Feel free to add me!