New to forums but not mfp

Hello to all from Florida. Like the title says I am new to the forums but not to mfp. I started using it July 9th, the day I made a promise to myself and my family to make life long changes to improve myself. A little background on me. I have always been a big guy. I come from a family of big guys. I also come from a family of extensive cardiac disease, MI, and strokes on both sides. I am a firefighter fulltime and a cop parttime. 10yrs ago I lost 60lbs to get to 260 to get into the police academy. July 9th I had a normal Drs appt. While I didn't have any bad news from the Dr during this appt I did see a bad number..... 354....pounds. That was 34lbs heavier that I had ever been. I am 35 and 10yrs of eating food on the go, sweet teas and soda, riding a patrol car 12hrs at a time and then a recliner between calls caught up to me in a big way. I have hypertension being treated by meds, high cholesterol treated by meds and was borderline diabetic. I felt run down all the time, my cardio output was garbage and I felt weak. I had been in denial for so long about my weight that I let it get the best of me. My weight had taken over my life in a very bad way. On the drive home I thought about where I was in life and where I wanted to be. I promised to myself that I would eat the way I should and get the cardio & strength training I should. I would do this to be a better daddy to my 3y/o son, a better husband, and a better servant to the public I serve. There was no doubt that if I didn't make these changes I would not live to see my son graduate high school let alone retirement. I deserved better and they all deserve better. When I got home I got rid of all the crap food in the house. I downloaded mfp and c25k. I started doing internet research. I began to eat better and smaller portions and drink more water. I started jogging on the treadmill. The first two weeks were rough. I began to feel positive changes the third week. My cardio was starting to respond. I found that I wasn't hungry all the time and I was eating smaller portions. After three weeks I started strength training. Slow and steady progress has led me to today. 55lbs lost. My goal is 230. My cardio is better than it has ever been. I am stronger than I have ever been. I can work longer and harder than ever. Our last structure fire I felt like a machine. Once I return from vacation in November I am going to start doing 5ks(current time is 42min) which 6mo ago I wouldn't and couldn't do. I give myself a cheat day every two weeks but I have found that lately I'm not eating the stuff I use to and that I don't crave it anymore. Everything is a work in progress but I am pleased with my results so far. My wife has started with me and has lost 10lbs. I'm proud to say I've gotten a few guys at work to participate and one is at 60lbs weight loss. I'm off my bp med and my resting bp is lower now than it was with me heavier on meds. I'm proud of where I'm at but excited about where I will be.
