Week Two, No Loss?

Kizster Posts: 13
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been following my MFP calories and whatnot since I joined. After 10 days, I had lost 10 pounds. But this past week, I've actually gained half a pound!

I have a feeling this isn't something to get too worked up about, but I wanted ya'lls input.

I'm hoping it's just muscle or something since I went from completely sedentary to 4+ workouts a week.

Anyone have any pointers?


  • 5010
    5010 Posts: 59
    10lb is so good i wouldn't worry you are doing great
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    It absolutely could be muscle. Are you taking your measurements or tracking your % body fat as well? I always joke that I was on the every other week diet plan because I would lose 3 lbs one week and 0 the next. I wouldn't worry about it too much. You're still doing great!
  • 10lbs in 10 days?! That is awesome! I am on week two and have yet to sse any major results....:sad:
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    I'm in my third week and I refuse to weigh myself yet. I don't want to be disappointed if it isnt as much as I expected.
    10lbs is incredible, well done.
  • Kizster
    Kizster Posts: 13
    Thank you guys! I'm feeling a bit better now! <3


    I am taking measurements, and I did lose an inch on my waist this week. I guess I'm just so trained to follow only the scale!


    You'll get there! I have a LOT of weight to lose, which is why I probably dropped that much the first week.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Remember we are women! Water retention happens as well.

    But 10 lbs in 10 days! You go girl!! Keep your head up! You are progressing well, and that's what matters!
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