My archenemy -- office candy and sweets

Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
edited January 1 in Health and Weight Loss
So on a typical day, everything is going well.. I've had a great breakfast, healthy snacks, it's 3pm and I've got some afternoon cravings, but they can be handled with tea or something healthy or by focusing more on work and just getting through the next 2-3 hours.

Suddenly, I get an email: "apple tart north kitchen", "homemade fudge brownies south kitchen", or "chocolate-covered macadamia nuts west kitchen".

Everyone around me in their cubes gets up and heads to the relevant kitchen and it takes tremendous will power not to go along and to sit through the comments afterwards or people saying how delicious it is to each other :(

On another note, I have a satellite office which I share with a senior staff member, who always has a HUGE bowl of chocolates near his desk and everyone comes in to eat them. I just wanna throw the damn bowl out the window! and if I do eat one, I end up eating chocolates all day!

Does anyone else have to deal with these types of situations in their workplace? What do you dooo?!


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So on a typical day, everything is going well.. I've had a great breakfast, healthy snacks, it's 3pm and I've got some afternoon cravings, but they can be handled with tea or something healthy or by focusing more on work and just getting through the next 2-3 hours.

    Suddenly, I get an email: "apple tart north kitchen", "homemade fudge brownies south kitchen", or "chocolate-covered macadamia nuts west kitchen".

    Everyone around me in their cubes gets up and heads to the relevant kitchen and it takes tremendous will power not to go along and to sit through the comments afterwards or people saying how delicious it is to each other :(

    On another note, I have a satellite office which I share with a senior staff member, who always has a HUGE bowl of chocolates near his desk and everyone comes in to eat them. I just wanna throw the damn bowl out the window! and if I do eat one, I end up eating chocolates all day!

    Does anyone else have to deal with these types of situations in their workplace? What do you dooo?!

    Run in there and eat everything, then next time your co workers will get there quicker so they can get a piece hopefully leaving none for you, temptation solved
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Sounds like my office. Today I avoided pastries at a meeting, leftover donuts in the kitchen, and the ever-present bowl of chocolates on my admin's desk. When I decided to lose weight, that was the first thing to go (I'm now maintaining). I only partake in office crap food once in a great while, like when we are celebrating someones birthday with a really great cake from a local bakery, not the usual leftover meeting food, bowls of candy, etc.

    Honestly, it all comes down to will power.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I get the same thing! Every time there's a new emloyee we have doughnuts or cookies, there's food around all the time not to mention a fully stocked "snack closet" for all emoloyees that's free. Now they try to keep the snaks fairly helathy but there's always cookies or goodies. Then we have clients bring in lunch a lot so there's leftovers of that, and today we're having a happy hour I'm sure will include food and drinks!....

    Now don't get me wrong it's an awesome problem to have and I love my work but it does make it diffcult. Just yesterday I gave in and had a half of a cookie in the afternoon. Usually I put on my headphones and try to act like I'm too busy...I mght still get one generous soul who offers to bring me a cookie...I can politely decline once and go back to work. That's my tactic.
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    At my last job this was a HUGE issue. A co-worker three desks down always had a full candy bowl out for the taking. The person at the next desk to me (who was a natural size 2) at candy, chips and pop all day long - literally. The next department over brought in sweets at least three times a week. It just didn't stop.

    I finally dealt with it by taking in a bag of miniature chocolates and when I was really tempted to give in to the other stuff I allowed myself ONE piece of chocolate. It helped me to not feel deprived but let me still be in control. That one bag lasted for months because just knowing it was there gave me more will power to say no to all of it.
  • lisagyo
    lisagyo Posts: 20 Member
    Same thing at my office - I try to stay out of the kitchen and drink green tea all afternoon. One of the girls downstairs has a jar full of Halloween candy and pretzels on her desk right now, it is so hard to stay away! We also have a fridge stocked with free pop and Vitamin Water that we can drink all day. When I think of all of the Dr. Pepper I used to drink it makes me sick.
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