Fell off the train, rolled in two pounds of poo.

Hi, all. My name is Leeann and I'm a foodaholic. Or something.

Anyway, I started on MFP a year and a half ago. In about eight months, I lost 60 lbs. I was so excited that my eating was finally in control and that I was finally on a path to health. Apparently I got too comfortable. After my wedding last September, I hit a bit of a wall and stopped losing weight. I tried a good dozen things to get through my stall. Somehow, though, my stall turned into a gain over the next nine months. Little by little--one bite at a time-- I returned to my old ways. It happened so slowly that I didn't even know it happened. Over a period of months, I stopped logging. I stopped my daily weighs. I stopped truly counting calories, carbs or anything, and i let myself go. I mean, I knew my clothes were getting tight again and that I didn't feel wonderful, but I figured I'd gained back a few pounds and always vowed to start tomorrow.

Well, folks, this morning I weighed myself. I officially have gained 62 lbs. since approximately December. I'm officially two pounds heavier than when I started a year and a half ago. I have no excuses. I know how it happened. I can't blame anyone but myself. So I'm making a vow right now that it's time to get in a loss pattern again. I fell off the train, i rolled in two pounds of poo and now i need to jump back on and stop feeling sorry for myself.

I'm currently in the process of going through six months of doctor-supervised weight loss so that I can be eligible for gastric bypass sometime in the spring. I need to control my eating now so that i can change my life. I need support. I need accountability.

I need to stop the excuses and start. This morning I restarted. I promise to weigh daily (at least until healthy eating becomes habit again; it's more for a reminded than anything), exercise a few times a week to start and to not miss a day of logging. Who's with me?


  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I don't have any words of advice or encouragement, I just wanted to tell you that the title of your post made me laugh like an idiot.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    I am doing that already!! Add me as a friend if you would like!! :flowerforyou:
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I don't have any words of advice or encouragement, I just wanted to tell you that the title of your post made me laugh like an idiot.

    Haha... I'm glad! All this extra weight sure does feel like i rolled in a big old vat of poo!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    You're fine...it's just water poo.
  • Mmmporkrinds
    Yeah I lost 10 kg and recently put 2 of them back again, so must have rolled in some of the same poop! Don't want to return to old ways so started logging again. Fell off the exercise wagon too but it is spring now and days are longer, so no excuses for not going for the odd jog a few nights a week. I'm with you!
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    You're fine...it's just water poo.

    I wish there were such thing as 62 lbs. of water poo! lol
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    Could you look back at your diary when the weight came off, use that as your guide or meal plans for starting over. Might be a place to start.

    I am also a firm believer in small goals, start with those 2 pounds you are over from last time, that will be easier, then maybe 15 pounds or 5 pounds. Smaller and quicker attainable goals keep me motivated and it is so much easier then looking at a larger number that is months away. 10 pounds could be 2-3 weeks in the begin, start with that.

    ETA: your story is what I fear as well, it is so easy to slip into bad habits I too am in this category. Though the last time I seriously tried losing weight was probably 7-8 years ago, I am of course older now and had a child. I was about 25 pounds over my very highest joining weight at weight watchers, I am closing in on that highest weight. Not a great milestone, but better then doing nothing, which is what I have done the last 7-8 years.

    Gotta start somewhere, feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I am in the same boat. About two years ago I had lost 50lbs and had run my first marathon. I was on top of the world! Well, I am now 3lbs heavier than I was at my heaviest and have been dealing with a chronic ankle injury. But I am ready to wipe the poo off my face and get back on that train. Friend me if you like :)
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    You're fine...it's just water poo.

    I wish there were such thing as 62 lbs. of water poo! lol

    FACT: 1 lb of water poo weighs more than 1 lb of regular poo. I read it on the internet....Dr. Oz said it!!! True Story!
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    i can relate....add me if you'd like...been there and know how you feel!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I know how you feel! Ive done the same thing over the last 6 months or so and am still trying to get back into a good pattern! Feel free to add me!
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    i did the same thing 2 years ago. i got up to 232 my highest weight- went to a nutritionist and everything he put me on a strict diet and appetite suppresents and i finally got my eating under control and got very addicted to the gym i felt great and lost 70lbs but then a year and a 1/2 ago i moved to texas in the hottest part of the summer and they eat...differently here then where im from ...GRAVY WITH EVERYTHING!

    and after about 4 months with no job and setting on my butt stuffing my face all the time i gained back 50 lbs!
    i felt awful

    so i found MFP and i love it.
    Ive lost 30 so far and im trying for a lower weight loss this time.
    but this time i feel more accomplished because im doing it healthy and on my own:)

    so good luck you can do it!
  • dolphincat05
    dolphincat05 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel your pain. I know how discouraging it is to gain back weight that you worked so hard to lose. I offer you all the encouragement that I can that you will get back on the train in continue towards your goal. You can do it.
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    it is all to easy gain the weight back but ur back and thats a start. I dont know if I'll always need MFP as a tool for my weight loss but for now I know I do, I gained back 7 lbs in 3 months because I stopped logging. I dont want to let that get out of hand so Im back... only when my clothes were tight once again of course otherwise i would just keep eating! Good luck
  • RozWynn
    RozWynn Posts: 30
    I don't have any words of advice or encouragement, I just wanted to tell you that the title of your post made me laugh like an idiot.

    I totally second this!
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    ok i read your post and the first thing you are doing wrong is weighing yourself daily... you daily weight is not a indication of success. the number on that scale means nothing, how big is your neck to when you started, your chest, your waist. dont get stuck on weight, you should weigh yourself once a week wearing the same thing every time. to get the true measure of your progress have measurements taken and get your body fat calculated using the skin fold test.

    leave all that diet crap alone and learn how to eat, diets dont work doest matter if the diet is supervised by a doctor or not you need to learn how to eat within your means using moderation and portion control.

    bipass surgery is just a cop out for lazy people, get your a%$ off that couch and go to the gym and eat right and you can use the weight under your own circumstances.

    4-6 smaller meals a day i eat 6 on most day and the meals are about 400 calories each
    a good cardio routine that will burn calories start slow and build your way up as you get in better shape
    water water and more water
    limit processed and fast foods
    get a good nights sleep every night
    write your goals out so they are clear and visible and read them daily and when you are down and need some motivation
    take the word diet out of your vocabulary you are not on a diet you are aiming for a lifestyle change
    allow yourself to have a cheat meal or two once a week

    look into reading the book called burn the fat feed the muscle by tom venuto