Sounds stupid



  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    "No thank you, I can't." Then immediately discontinue eye contact!

    There could be a million reasons why you cant.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    When I say I have explosive diarrhea, it ususally ends every conversation.

  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    Depending on the food I'll just say 'no thanks I'm good' if they are a food pusher I'll say that I'm allergic/sensitive to "insert food here" ... I used to tell people that diabetes runs in my family and I have to be careful what I eat.

    And I agree - no matter your size people will push food/and food advice on you. As you start achieving your goals people will begin to notice what you eat and don't eat and ask you for advice!
  • DirtyStacks
    DirtyStacks Posts: 179 Member
    Im roughly 500lbs and obviously starting a diet/new lifestyle....

    YOU are awesome for making this decision! It's not easy, but it is absolutely possible!
    but the thing is I don't really want EVERYONE in my life knowing about it.

    I can understand this. I was the same way when I started. You might find that as you start seeing success, this thought process may change. I didn't want anyone to know either. As I have lost weight, I could no longer hide the fact, but it took months for that to happen.
    The reason being every time food/diets/etc comes up in conversation, I receive (often incorrect) food and exercise advice from people whether it's colleagues, friends, clients or even random passers-by in the street. No matter how well meaning it is, it's time-wasting and patronising... so my question is-- how can I refuse food or snacks (especially in an office or social setting) without offending someone or bringing up that I am trying to eat more healthily?

    If you are not morbidly obese, you will never understand the mental and physical challenges that a person like this faces, not only in trying to lose weight, but just daily living. People naturally want to be helpful, but sometimes they end up being hurtful or even harmful in their advice without even knowing it.
    (I've tried just taking it and not eating it, but by the time 5pm comes around I've usually cracked and eaten the damn thing)

    Here are some tactics you could try, you might try them all or none, depends on what you are comfortable with.
    "oh man, thanks, but my tummy isn't feeling too well at the moment."
    THanks, but I am trying to watch what I eat cause I think I'm allergic to something and I'm working on figuring out what it is.
    Thanks! Then take a bite and throw out the rest.
    Thanks! Then "accidentally" drop it on the floor.
    Sorry, I have a big meal planned tonight and I'm saving room to pig out.
    Oh man, thanks, but xxx gives me heartburn really bad.
    Thanks, but I don't really like xxx.
    I appreciate it, but xxx gives me gas.
    One I always liked was, "No thanks, I'm trying to watch my girlish figure." Said sheepishly with a smile. They never knew what to think of that. hahaha

    At some point, if you keep refusing, they will stop offering when they figure out what is really going on. But until them, just duck and dodge!

    Hope this helps some!
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    WOW .. I commend you for taking charge of your life .. YOUR WAY! Kudos to you!

    Now .. don't tell anyone you're dieting or making a lifestyle change at first .. it's none of their business. If you lose weight that's noticeable and they say something or compliment you .. be gracious but no need to over indulge their curiosities that you don't feel comfortable talking about.

    If it's early on in your weight loss .. just play dumb and say .. "Oh? You think I've lost weight? wow .. I should wear this outfit more often" :wink:

    And do your best to politely turn down their offers of food or snacks. It's okay to have a small piece of birthday cake everyone pitched in to get for someone in the office .. or you can decline and simply say, I've kinda lost my sweet tooth. :smile:

    Everyone here has given some great advice .. you are in control of YOU .. .. so do what feels right to you. Congrats!! And keep up the great attitude! :flowerforyou:
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    "That looks great but high sugar/fat gives me terrible heartburn"
  • TheBiggestLosee
    I like yoovie's idea.

    I hate to tell you, but even when you lose weight and become super sexy, people will never stop trying to give you advice on what to eat/drink/how to live/what toilet paper to buy, you just have to graciously take it and organize where it belongs in your head, be that the treasure chest or the trash can.

    Can't wait to see you succeed like a boss. Best of luck.

    PLEASE tell me no one has ever ever suggested what toilet paper to buy?! lol
    Anyway, OP:

    just tell them that you aren't hungry.
  • iksworbez
    iksworbez Posts: 21 Member
    when it comes to keto i've actually had to tell people 'i'm allergic to wheat and sugars'

    chances are they will leave ya alone
  • amysmartin
    amysmartin Posts: 84 Member
    I've accepted, then take it back to my desk, when no one is looking toss it in the trash. Yes, wasteful, but sometimes my coworkers are so damn pushy.
  • Morenosn
    Morenosn Posts: 28 Member
    I normally say "im not really hungry right now but thank you." or the ever famous "No thank you, Im not really feeling that great, my stomache has been upset lately." that normally does the trick :bigsmile:
  • Morenosn
    Morenosn Posts: 28 Member
    I like yoovie's idea.

    I hate to tell you, but even when you lose weight and become super sexy, people will never stop trying to give you advice on what to eat/drink/how to live/what toilet paper to buy, you just have to graciously take it and organize where it belongs in your head, be that the treasure chest or the trash can.

    Can't wait to see you succeed like a boss. Best of luck.

    PLEASE tell me no one has ever ever suggested what toilet paper to buy?! lol
    Anyway, OP:

    just tell them that you aren't hungry.

    HAHA Actually someone did tell me what toilet paper to buy, and i switch and never looked back! Just had to comment bc it made me laugh. :laugh: "Scotts" if you were wondering! :laugh:
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    "No thank you" and
    "What part of 'no thank you' do you not understand?"
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    feed THEM the kudo THEY'RE looking for and say "OOOOooh that looks really good ...Id love some but I better not..go ahead and enjoy it for both of us"

    By that you've fed their ego and shut em up without further explanation. It still works for me. My other stand by is "Id love to but Im allergic to ______" . And because I do have tons of allergies, they seldom ever ask again plus they know Im diabetic.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Tell them youd love to- but youre on medication right now that dictates your diet. You dont have to tell them that the medicine is the badass playlist in your head when youre working out later. OHHH! fixed.

    That comment just made me sweaty...sooo sweaty.
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    If it's at a party: "Whoa, that looks awesome! I just finished eating, but I'll definitely grab some when I get seconds. Thanks!"

    If it's something special that someone brings and you don't want to offend, take it and say: "Hey, this is great! I'm going to have to save this for later so I can really savor and enjoy it. Thanks!" Then immediately wrap it in paper towel and toss in the bathroom trashcan. Immediately so there's no temptation later.

    Eventually I hope you feel comfortable enough to share your weight loss journey with others in your life. Sometimes people will surprise you and be extremely supportive. I have two co-workers who are constantly giving me little reminders when I start staring at the chocolate cookies or brownies in the breakroom. More accountability, yes. Better chances of success, definitely!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Great suggestions! I will definitely use some of these. Thanks to the OP and congrats on starting your new lifestyle. You can do this!
  • Zanna857
    Zanna857 Posts: 11 Member
    Congratulations on making a huge step in changing your life.
    My move because I come frome a lare family and I understand not wanting to just Tel them your on a diet or watching what you eat. I actually learned this move from skinny girls turny guys down. Nicly.go figure. So when they feel the subject will come up or does come up you can say no thanks, I'm good and change the subject. Lr say no thanks, then thank then and excuse yourself. Even if you just end up in the bathroom to wash your hands. Hey it worms I've done it many times. And people don't want to hand you food before you go into the Good luck.
    Hopefully all these comments will help you build some confidence and it won't seem as daunting a task as it seems.
    Best wishes on your Journey!
    Friend me if you like I'm also on a long journey, to loose 150lbs.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    as others have said, congratulations!
    honestly, I wouldn't give any reason. I totally get what your concern is- I felt the same way... plus people knew that if there was birthday cake in the office, I was going to have a piece. Or two.
    But when I started losing and something was brought into work, I just said, "no thanks" and kept walking. If they questioned me, i would just shrug and say I didn't want any. I realized nobody would bother a thin person to eat it and I wasn't going to always make an excuse about not feeling well (which wouldn't make sense if they saw me eating lunch).

    Once in a while if someone says, "hey, I brought in donuts" I'll say, "oh, thanks! I'll have one in a little while" and then I wont. :)