Guys--how can we tell if you really think we're sexy? ;)

xcgirl078 Posts: 47 Member
Guys-- when you (whether we're in a relationship or not) tell us that we're sexy, etc., how can we tell if you mean it? :P


  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    hmmm- look (but don't stare) to see if we have a pencil in our pocket when we say that.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Would guys lie when they call someone sexy? I'm confused.
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    If your pictures are really of you then ALL guys are telling you the truth. And no I'm not flirting (happily married)
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    hmmm- look (but don't stare) to see if we have a pencil in our pocket when we say that.

    I'm inclined to agree, it's a pretty surefire way to tell. If we try to get you naked is another pretty good way to tell.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Does it matter? Take the compliment and go about your day
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    You just look at them the right way and a very specific part of them says hello
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    hmmm- look (but don't stare) to see if we have a pencil in our pocket when we say that.

    I'm inclined to agree, it's a pretty surefire way to tell. If we try to get you naked is another pretty good way to tell.

    Really? You mean guys wont F%^$k anybody that says yes? There are standards? I call bulls*&T
  • Pokermom10
    Pokermom10 Posts: 78 Member
    hmmm- look (but don't stare) to see if we have a pencil in our pocket when we say that.

    I'm inclined to agree, it's a pretty surefire way to tell. If we try to get you naked is another pretty good way to tell.

    Really? You mean guys wont F%^$k anybody that says yes? There are standards? I call bulls*&T

    ^^^^^^THIS - IN SPADES^^^^^^^
  • Isabelle222
    Isabelle222 Posts: 6 Member
    hmmm- look (but don't stare) to see if we have a pencil in our pocket when we say that.

    I'm inclined to agree, it's a pretty surefire way to tell. If we try to get you naked is another pretty good way to tell.

    Really? You mean guys wont F%^$k anybody that says yes? There are standards? I call bulls*&T

  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Seriously...if you have wonder if what is being said is need to get out.
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    If your pictures are really of you then ALL guys are telling you the truth. And no I'm not flirting (happily married)


    also, why are you worried about it? why would a guy lie? almost everything a guy says to a woman is with the intent of getting her pants off so either
    a- he thinks you are sexy and wants to be with you or
    b- he doesnt think you are sexy but wants to be with you.

    either way, he knows it will likely make you feel good to be complimented and will make it more likely that you get together.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Guys-- when you (whether we're in a relationship or not) tell us that we're sexy, etc., how can we tell if you mean it? :P

    If you don't believe the guy, then look elsewhere.
  • hmmm- look (but don't stare) to see if we have a pencil in our pocket when we say that.

    I'm inclined to agree, it's a pretty surefire way to tell. If we try to get you naked is another pretty good way to tell.

    Really? You mean guys wont F%^$k anybody that says yes? There are standards? I call bulls*&T

    This is true... most of us will #$%^ anybody that says yes lol
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    hmmm- look (but don't stare) to see if we have a pencil in our pocket when we say that.

    I'm inclined to agree, it's a pretty surefire way to tell. If we try to get you naked is another pretty good way to tell.

    Really? You mean guys wont F%^$k anybody that says yes? There are standards? I call bulls*&T

    Some men respect themselves, and the women we date <<SHOCKING>>, I know. And we'd prefer to not have things fall off...
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    Sit in his lap and have him say it again. You'll know if he's telling the truth.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Not sure I understand why someone would ask this question....

    Why would you stress over whether they mean it? Just take the compliment and be happy with it.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    hmmm- look (but don't stare) to see if we have a pencil in our pocket when we say that.

    I'm inclined to agree, it's a pretty surefire way to tell. If we try to get you naked is another pretty good way to tell.

    Really? You mean guys wont F%^$k anybody that says yes? There are standards? I call bulls*&T

    This is true... most of us will #$%^ anybody that says yes lol

    I knew it!
  • I feel bad that people are being rude on this post. I'm bi-sexual and am in a happy relationship with a woman but I too am curious if a man truly means when he says he thinks a woman is sexy. Women are extremely insecure(not saying all women are), but I know I am. One day at work a man around my age called me took me about five minutes to 1) realize he was talking to me and 2) believe him.
    I understand why you asked this question. And by the way, you're very pretty.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    hmmm- look (but don't stare) to see if we have a pencil in our pocket when we say that.

    I'm inclined to agree, it's a pretty surefire way to tell. If we try to get you naked is another pretty good way to tell.

    Really? You mean guys wont F%^$k anybody that says yes? There are standards? I call bulls*&T

    Some men respect themselves, and the women we date <<SHOCKING>>, I know. And we'd prefer to not have things fall off...

    bold and underline the word some as most men are horny and will pound if the offer is made :)
  • marisablakley
    marisablakley Posts: 45 Member
    I feel bad that people are being rude on this post. I'm bi-sexual and am in a happy relationship with a woman but I too am curious if a man truly means when he says he thinks a woman is sexy. Women are extremely insecure(not saying all women are), but I know I am. One day at work a man around my age called me took me about five minutes to 1) realize he was talking to me and 2) believe him.
    I understand why you asked this question. And by the way, you're very pretty.

    Im with you (not on the bi thing though....:smile: ) and I get creepy dudes all day long trying to pick me up even though Im married. That to me means nothin. If I think they are grody it doesnt matter if they are telling the truth. But when someone I find attractive gives me a compliment then I will think about it for days and days and wonder what angle they were playing at and if someone payed them to or if they got up close after they had already started to tell me I was beautiful and then realized I was not or whatever. I never quite end up believing it. But, heck, I have major issues so what do I know.