
Hi All,

I'm new to My fitnesspal and looking for a bit of moral support and motivation. I've tried every diet going and stick to them for about 2-3 months before I get bored. However this time I'm not dieting,I'm following a healthy lifestyle plan. That's what I've told myself any way. I've already lost 10lbs and I've joined the gym which I have been using at least 3 times a week and I'm really enjoying it. I'm just looking for a "buddy" out there to give me those little extra pep talks now and again and a kick up the backside when I feel I'm slipping off the waggon. Please get in touch if you need the same!! Thanks Karen:smile:


  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too, just joined today. I'm trying to do the healthy lifestyle too! I've done really good since 1/1/10. My husband & I are doing this together and that helps alot! Congrats on the 10lbs!
  • kazmor
    kazmor Posts: 18
    Hi. It certainly helps to have someone who's trying to lose weight too. My boyfriend as been really supportive but he doesn't really need to lose weight,however to make life easier he eats what I eat so that helps a lot!! I've always tried to eat quite healthy but my problem was always portion sizes and the fact I have a sweet tooth!!

    I've managed to control my portions better but I still need swet things. But instead of having a packet of biscuits or a huge bar of chocolate every evening I'm allowing myself 1 biscuit or a fun size bar of chocolate a day. So far it's working and not felt the need to gorge on sweet foods like I would of done in the past had I denied myself totally!!

    Have you set yourself a target or mini goals that you want to acheive?