Should I be bad? Or call it?



  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit :)
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    @ geekyjock. Yes, I agree. I really do try to myself that food is not the enemy. But I can EASILY see how simple it would be to slip in to anorexic behavior. For me it would be a slippery slope...
    You don't want to go there. The part I edited in explains why the cycle is hard for people to notice and break.. One of the endocrinological alterations that takes quite a while to return back to normal levels in AN is serum leptin concentrations. In many studies that compared leptin values to current AN patients, recovered AN patients, and women without a history of disordered eating, the recovered AN patients' leptin values were not significantly greater than current AN patients and were greatly reduced compared to normal, healthy women. In other words, even long after they recovered, their leptin values were still far from normal. This is why it's paramount for recovered AN patients to continue upping and maintaining a high intake of calories during and long after the refeed process.

    The lesson of this fable: Never trust hunger to meet energy demands while on a chronic and increasing deficit.
  • sarahmichelle876
    A calorie of refined sugar is not equal to a calorie of healthy food. Sorry, that is just how it is. Not saying it isn't okay to indulge, but all calories are not created equal. A few great snacks that aren't *that* bad would be a few dried dates with raw peanut butter, mixing raw peanut butter, raw pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice and xylitol or honey and eating it as a pudding, banana with peanut butter, ect. is a wonderful blog for people who have a sweet tooth and want to maintain a healthy diet. Enjoy your extra calories for the day!
    Negative ghost rider. A calorie is a calorie. The only thing that changes is the other crap in the food. Try again.